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Posted: 2001-11-17 00:50:00
I have a few old pics on my hard drive from some Japanese events... though I'd put them here before erasing them :)
Posted: 2001-11-17 01:00:36

Posted: 2001-11-17 01:01:19

Posted: 2001-11-17 01:01:58

Posted: 2001-11-17 01:02:34

Posted: 2001-11-17 01:03:03

Posted: 2001-11-17 01:03:33

Posted: 2001-11-17 17:03:11
cheers Dave, long time no hear ? u ok ? where u been ? ta sandy man holt u.k.m.t.a
Posted: 2001-11-18 01:53:03
Hey Sandy, I'm fine, just busy with the gym and with going to different fights. Hven't been on here that often, but thought I'd drop off these pics... :)
dirk stal
Posted: 2001-11-18 03:34:59

great ushiro geri !! (branko vs satake 30-04-1993)
dirk stal
Posted: 2001-11-18 03:37:04

great mawashi geri !! (aerts vs lobman 20-09-1992)
Posted: 2001-11-18 22:45:41
translates too roundhouse kick and turning back kick ! cheers for pics:
ta Dave sandy man holt u.k.m.t.a
p.s. please checkout my / our new re-vamped website if you get time cheers sand man
dirk stal
Posted: 2001-11-19 10:58:54

great lowkick !!!!! by the greatest low-kick specialist on earth. ROB KAMAN !!
dirk stal
Posted: 2001-11-19 11:11:29

another lowkick !! by ROB KAMAN !!
Posted: 2001-11-19 12:29:29
i hear andre maanart(sp) was pretty lethal too.
Posted: 2001-11-19 12:44:10
Not only was Andre very lethal!He still is and he is retired.
When Andre trains and spars he is all about business!This guy
is a Legend!
dirk stal
Posted: 2001-11-19 13:58:33

here's an old picture from a newspaper of andre mannaart versus peter smit in tokyo / japan. (those where the days) !!!!!!
Posted: 2001-11-19 14:04:12
Peter Smit was a crazy mutha,what ever happened to him?
dirk stal
Posted: 2001-11-19 14:09:27

yes,andre mannaart was a good fighter !! and he's a good coach and trainer now!!
i have seen him fight,many many times and i must say this man have a lot of ,,fighting spirit,,
dirk stal
Posted: 2001-11-20 13:55:20

here's a picture of andre mannaart versus peter aerts (18-02-1990)
Posted: 2001-11-20 15:52:11
Ever see the fight between Mannaart and Ray Sefo? i think Sefo dropped him about 5-6 times during the fight to win by tko...boy, that Mannaart is one hell of a tough customer!!
dirk stal
Posted: 2001-11-24 18:10:21

here's another picture of peter,,hurricane,,smit !!!
dirk stal
Posted: 2001-11-25 01:07:57

ivan hippolyte vs tony moore (01-04-1990)
dirk stal
Posted: 2001-11-25 04:13:18

here's another dutch legend: luc verheye.
luc verheye vs zito polyo in amsterdam.(20-09-1992)
dirk stal
Posted: 2001-11-25 08:07:51

ramon,,diamond,,dekkers vs deschawin in rotterdam (06-06-1993)
Mark L.
Posted: 2001-11-25 11:59:10
One think you don't see 'pro' Thai boxers do outside of Thailand very much.

Make miss.

Over here anyway its all offence-no defence except for blocking with the shins and keeping hands up.

Hopefully see it all start to change as MuayThai and kickboxing grows.
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2001-11-25 12:51:13
Great pictures Dirk!
dirk stal
Posted: 2001-11-25 13:58:03

thanks oliver !! what do you think about these one ?
rob kaman vs jean yves theriault (20-06-1992)
the legendary rob kaman take the i.s.k.a belt of jean yves theriault and so he had three belts that time.(full contact,kickboxing and thaiboxing)
Posted: 2001-11-25 15:06:17
Dirk, did Kamen win by tko against Theriault? Was this fight in France or Canada?
dirk stal
Posted: 2001-11-25 15:12:07
hi, the bone
theriault give up after 6 rounds and the fight was in paris/france.
dirk stal
Posted: 2001-11-25 15:18:05

rob kaman after his fight against luc verheye.
his coaches are andre mannaart and tommy v/d berg (mejiro-gym).
Posted: 2001-11-25 16:41:25
Anymore Kaman pics (early and late) in his career? great pics!! what is "The dutchmen"doing know???
dirk stal
Posted: 2001-11-25 16:58:06

i don't know what rob is doing now,here is a picture of ,,tooHOTtoHANDLE,,rob kaman together with ramon dekkers,after the last fight of ramon.
Posted: 2001-11-25 17:11:09
Is dekkers planning a boxing career?
dirk stal
Posted: 2001-11-25 17:22:12

i don't know,but there some rumours that he go boxing .
here's he fighting in france against joe prestia.
dirk stal
Posted: 2001-11-25 17:25:50

ramon,,diamond,,dekkers ,here again versus joe prestia.
Brian Ritchie
Posted: 2001-11-25 21:20:52
Theriault couldn't continue because of a previous back injury that was irritated from absorbing Kaman's kicks. Theriault was doing well with his hands (his bread and butter) but it was at a cost.
Posted: 2001-11-25 22:57:17
hey great pics: from the tough Dutch fighters ! cheers ! hey got any of the Famous FIRST THAI-BOXING team from Holland to go to Thailand ! ? way back ! the FAMOUS / INFAMOUS "CHAKURIKI" fighters ! anyone ?? thanks sandy man holt u.k.m.t.a.
dirk stal
Posted: 2001-11-26 01:34:29

hey sandy,is this a good picture or not?
milo el geubli,robbie kaman and jan plas from mejiro-gym together with the famous thaichampions chart and samart in sidyodtong in 1982.
dirk stal
Posted: 2001-11-26 01:43:53

rob kaman vs dennoi lerdrayong(thailand)
dirk stal
Posted: 2001-11-26 01:44:24

rob kaman vs dennoi lerdrayong(thailand)
dirk stal
Posted: 2001-11-26 01:44:53

rob kaman vs dennoi lerdrayong(thailand)
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