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Posted: 2006-08-31 06:58:57
fighters wanted for september 30th. We are looking for two male fighters. One at 56-59kg with 8 fights and one male at 70kg with 7 fights.
Show is in cork ireland. anyone interested. ???
5x2 rounds.
paulo da silva
Posted: 2006-08-31 07:17:57
ring john jarvis on 07702119198 or emaill him John Jarvis []
Posted: 2006-08-31 07:27:54
dont think he has anyone.
paulo da silva
Posted: 2006-08-31 08:18:22
sorry mate is my fault i didn`t realise your show was before the crawley show.
Posted: 2006-08-31 08:29:16
Cheers paulo..thanks for the reply anyways.
Little Thai
Posted: 2006-08-31 08:41:47
who is the 56/59kg fighter
Lee Jons Jr
Posted: 2006-08-31 11:19:34
Is this thai or FC?
Posted: 2006-08-31 16:43:21
hi i would be interested in the 70 kg fight the only thing is i fight around 72-75 kg,are there any travelling expenses covered ??
also who is the fighter and what is his record plus what show would the fight take place on.
will have to talk to my instuctor after the weekend as he is away but i would be definately interested
Posted: 2006-09-01 04:04:28
record is 7 fights, 3 losses, 4 wins. this is thai not fc.
Expenses will be paid, flights, meals etc.
show is in cork - anthony corkery show.
ercan gürgöze
Posted: 2006-09-01 04:46:35

if you are interested i may provide a good 59 kgs fighter..
Posted: 2006-09-01 05:50:54
yes im interested.who is can call me if you want and i will tak it through.
Posted: 2006-09-01 14:10:14
hi i'll speak 2 my instructor as soon as he comes back and if u send me your details 2 my email address or i will get him 2 give u a ring asap.

my email address:-
Posted: 2006-09-01 15:30:09
Send me an e mail, I'd be interested.
Posted: 2006-09-01 18:45:26
154 pounder here from RSA(70kg?)
ercan gürgöze
Posted: 2006-09-02 02:44:06

if you send me a mail, i'll try to send you all the details of 57-59 kgs fighter...

my mail:
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