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Aaron Kerr
Posted: 2007-04-14 06:27:23
Pool A

Eric Noosa vs Leamy Tato
Winner = Eric Noosa via Unanimous Points

Charlie Smiler vs Andrew Peck
Winner = Andrew Peck via T.K.O, Charlie was unable to come out in the 2nd Round due to too much damage to his leg/shin

Pool B

Felise Leniu vs Peter Sampson
Winner = Felise Leniu via 2 Knockdown Rule 1st Round

Jason Retti vs Reuben De Jong
Winner = Jason Retti via Unanimous points


Andrew Peck vs Leamy Tato (Eric couldn't fight due to suspected fractured foot)
Winner = Andrew Peck via ref stoppage in Round 2


Felise Leniu vs Jason Retti
Winner = Felise Leniu via K.O. 2:50 in Round 2


Alexander Ustinov vs Matt Samoa
Winner = Alexander via Ref Stoppage 1:45 Round 1


Felise Leniu vs Andrew Peck
Winner = Andrew Peck via T.K.O Round 2 ,Felise sustained too much damage to his left thigh.
Posted: 2007-04-14 06:31:10
congradulations to andrew
Boa Rogue
Posted: 2007-04-14 07:17:37
Hello everybody

Check out the full run down and photo gallery tomorrow on ROGUE. Great show and some great fights.

Fight Editor
Boa Rogue
Posted: 2007-04-14 07:58:30
Hello again

Its pretty late but the report is up plus Doug Vineys Interview, hang tight till sunday evening for the photo gallery. Some stunning work coming up.

Thanks again

Fight Editor
Richie Hardcore
Posted: 2007-04-14 08:51:33
Well done Andrew.
Posted: 2007-04-14 16:16:14
would ustinov have been better served to fight in the 8man?.Seems to me someone with that amount of experience should have been included in that tourny rather than the superfight.

Thoughts anyone.

Well done Andrew,didnt see the show as dont have sky but mah mate taped it for me and will watch it 2 day
bugs is back
Posted: 2007-04-14 16:19:19
I told yous all so, I told you so, what a performance from the new boys in the show... Thats probably the worst and most boring show thats ever happened. Where is the courage of these fighters, pulling out because of a sore toe. running away from a fired up pecker, who was definately in a class of his own, even thinking they on a league paddock at times.

This was utterly boring. The fighters from yesteryear would push thru their pain like ron sefo, with his legs who had to get carried away by his cornerman one year, tman fighting with a cut shin and chopper too, clay auimatgi getting up from a kneeshot to the head, this was totally great to watch. Then comes the show last night and you get nosey who pulls out because of his toe, lemons tatoo who thinks hes on a league paddock and is too one dimensional, and the fob father running away with fear on his face saying please mr pecker dont kick me anymore because its sore, Im from mangere and the boys and I just laughed at him for doing that, because if he was in mangere we would fight to the end, not run away.

And tough luck for the skyscraper pete sampson, who takes a while to warm up. watching the fighters of yesteryear you got no time to warm up in there, its go from the bell.

Reti was the outsider who did well and surprised us all and that spinning backfist on the muscleman, did you see him fall. havnt seen one of those since jason suttie in 03 i think.

and what a set up fight that mat samoa had. Why didnt ignashov and ustinov fight each other in as superfight from the start. All credit to samoa for doing what he did and I bet no one else would do it. If all is true on the other forum about mcgyver, what a sham the kickboxing is coming to.

And if yous didnt know bang em ben edwards did what no other man has done before..he knocked out john finger lick em hopoate in 1 round. Why wasnt he fighting, he would have put on a great fight like afew years ago with, cant remember his name but went toe to toe with him, but he was from rebel gym.

And you mr norm..Im taking my dog for a walk and I got a spare leash, now get off yours and put your clothes on and bring her along.

bugs is back
Posted: 2007-04-14 16:26:51
oh and forgot about mr smiling man, who I see on another thread had to drive up from wellington with his family and fight. What a set up with that too.

And not forgetting the great one who came, conquered and destroyed all the new boys with ease like in 2000, what a demolition. the pecker is back, and hungry to knock all newcomers back to where they came from.

He is definately in a class of his own..CONGRATULATIONS PECKER on destroying them like in 2000. you are back and great to see too. you are now a force to watch out for and should be in k1 japan now knocking them out.

norm the storm
Posted: 2007-04-14 17:41:30
lol mugsy! those new guys did really well considering that they only had so very few fights.I agree with your thoughts on the injuries and stuff that stopped some fighters from carrying on.In times of old fighters sucked it up and went to battle regardless.They have that as there badge of courage.I know fighters that broke toes,cracked kneecaps and fractured thumbs during fights and the other fighter never knew till after the fight.The BIG difference is that after the fight you cool off and then the adrenaline wears off and the pain caused by broken bones and torn cartlidges tends to make an impact.Split shins aint painful,but if the Doc sees it he can call the fight off,so you hide it.Chopper chapman is the bravest fighter i ever saw.When severely damaged in a semi finals clash,(that he won), he went into the final and he refused to quit,and he could barely stand in the dressing room!!He lost the fight but i was in awe of his courage.

The only thing that saved this show was that seven of the fighters had 10 fights or less.Expecting them to act like REAL professionals without the neccessary ringtime fight experience is asking for a miracle. The only reason the show was not a complete failure is because the level of the guys fighting were all similar.Except Andrew obviously.His level exposed the relative novices for what they are.INEXPERIENCED. I only wish we could have seen him fight ALEXANDER USTINOV.Now that would be worth watching.
bugs is back
Posted: 2007-04-14 19:28:24
I agree with you norm for once, chopper chapman is a man who all these so called heavyweights should learn from, suck it in and hide the pain..Not scaredy cats like Leniu saying please mr pecker dont kick me anymore with your hard kicks please..It hurts and Im from mangere so dont kick me.
Posted: 2007-04-14 19:45:34
I think putting Matt Samoa into the 8man and having a Peck vs Ustinov as the superfight would've levelled the playing field and made a more exiting contest. Just an opinion.

aaron boyes
Posted: 2007-04-14 20:14:26
I enjoyed the show, it was very entertaining. Congradulations Andrew, you showed good technique, and fight smarts. I dont think anyone in Oceania could match Ustinov at the moment, would love to see him fight Semmy Schilt.
The Rebel
Posted: 2007-04-14 20:34:41
I was thinking about writing a fight review for last night fights from a referee’s point of view. First would this be ethical for me to do and would any one want to read it
bugs is back
Posted: 2007-04-14 20:41:09
Come on dzl..this is oceania and them new boys have to step up to the plate and deliver, which many apart from reti never did. with a quivering and shaking leniu begging pecker to stop kicking him, and nosey not carrying on from his sore toe, smiling man pulling the pin after 1 round, lemons tatoo thinking he was on a league paddock, but yes mat samoa shouldve been in the 8 man, but hey they all got to deliver and last night their was only one person who did deliver and was in a class of his own..And that man was the undestructable pecker..Now we just hope he gets paid.pecker came to win the 8 man and he came, conquered..CONGRATULATIONS PECKER
aaron boyes
Posted: 2007-04-14 21:23:48
I dont see a problem with it Rebel and would love to read your point of view, as you had the best seat in the house.

Rex Rumble
Posted: 2007-04-14 21:38:58
great show but i was a bit pissed finding out the rules had changed from k1 rules to modified thai 10 mins before the fight.some great fights.
jon gallia
Posted: 2007-04-14 22:27:00
Well done Andrew, knew you would do it. I was thinking it would be you and Peter in the final, was my first pick...what happened to Peter??? I watched it on sky and he went down from a punch (hook) on the gloves??? Last time he went down, was a cleaner shot, was uppercut.
bugs is back
Posted: 2007-04-14 23:33:36
come on rumbles,how can it be a great show when lemons thinks hes on the league paddock throwing the same stuff as always and lenui runs away screaming to andrew please mr pecker dont kick me anymore, smiling man gives up, nosy pulls out because of a sore toe.. what it turned into was the muppet show. the only real one in there was THE PECKER...GO PECKER..THE NEW KING..and he was definately in a class above everyone else..
Posted: 2007-04-14 23:48:16
regrdless of the fact that ustinov is a class above everyone,both he and matt samoa shuda been in the 8man.them and peck woulda been a lot better.

With the likes of Hepi,Suttie,viney,this show was pecks to lose.

Hot favourite coming in.

Not sure how many fights andrews had but the total of his fights probably adds up to more than all the other fighters put togeather.Hey Boa theres a stat you could look up for us please.
Posted: 2007-04-14 23:50:04
"With the likes of Hepi,Suttie,viney all not fighting for various reasons"

Thats what i was meant to post.

Boa Rogue
Posted: 2007-04-15 00:23:55

Give me some time bro, will crunch some numbers and here we go...
Source: King of Oceania Press Pack

Andrew Peck Fights 37 23W 14L KO 11

Leamy Tato Fights 7 6W 1L 2KO
Eric Nosa Fights 14 9W 5 KO(TBA)
Charles Smiler Fights 40 30W 10L 15KO
Peter Sampson Fights 11 10W 1L 5KO
Felise Leniu Fights 17 12W 4L 9KO 1Draw
Jason Retti Fights 2 2W 2KO
Reuben De Jong Fights 3 1W 2L 1KO

Total Fights = 94
Andrew Peck has 37. If we take Charles Smiler out of the equation who has the most fights (according to the press kit) with 40. But he was beaten too easily by Peck.

Ustinov has 46 fihts and Samoa 29 fights, by far too more experienced fighters. So yes it is a good analysis.

Andrew was the eight man specialist, no doubt and took the prize literally scratch free.

Jason Retti goes to Fights 4 3W 1L 3KO and nice stat of 100% win by KO and 75% fight result by KO (Too early anyhow, but im sure he'll pile up quickly and maintain the same ratio by KO)

Not entirely sure how many of these fights for each and every fighter is professional/ how these records were calculated. Just going by what was on the press kit.

Ustinovs record is mind blowing: 47 Fights (including last night), 43 wins, 3 Losses and 32 by way of KO. Winner of 9, 8-man elimination shows!!!

Hope this one helps, oh yeah some stunning photos coming up later tonite on ROGUE. Including that awesome spinning back fist captured bang on the button!!!

Fight Editor
Boa Rogue
Posted: 2007-04-15 00:26:13
Jason Retti Fights 4 3W 1L 2KO (My bad... ratio is 75% wins by KO)

Fight Editor
Posted: 2007-04-15 01:26:20
Yep,you are th man BOA!!!!.Interesting reading,thanks for that,.your website looks great to by the way.
Good interview with dougy.
bugs is back
Posted: 2007-04-15 01:29:48
Oh yous both are baloney vaderman and bogeys boa..End of the day oceania is for the best fighters in Australasia, and if that was the best card they could put together, what a joke..Its the most boring show ever if yous have read them. Who cares about records, who cares about what titles they got, end of the day, they are meant to be oceanias best fighters.

Where was Ben edwards, sid asiata,chrisopolopidis,tman,hepi. those are the fighters that were missing, like I been saying those fighters who fought yesterday are a joke, the whole show was a joke, should be called the muppet show.

Where was the bravery and courage of these so called fighters, leniu screaming to pecker not to kick him, smiling man giving up after round 1, nosy crying out back because of his toe, sampson falling over by a little punch with his weak chin, what a joke.oh yeah and lemons tatoo thinking hes still on a league paddock and gets clobbered when he does try to tackle peckaz.

Get these puppets outta there and get back to what this competition is all about, for the best 8 fighters in oceania, not wannabes who think they should be in there, like there was only one man in there and that was THE PECKER..NEW KING OF OCEANIA
Boa Rogue
Posted: 2007-04-15 01:34:31
Hey Vader

Thanks for the feedback on the site. Happy to help with numbers, as they are taken off the only credible source i could find. Last nights win and losses have not been added. Those numbers would scew some fighters ratios and stats in both good and bad. It was nice to catch up with Dougie, as i only use credible info and dont use sources like New Idea, Jerry Springer or bulls*i*.com

Also folks ROGUE is running an online poll on which fight you thought was the "Fight of the night"- please do cast your vote, as over a period of time all these can be turned into interesting stats.

Check out the site late tonite or sometime tomorrow morning for some explosive photos.

Fight Editor

The Rebel
Posted: 2007-04-15 02:22:13

Hi Bugs
Ben Edwards was, on the same night knocking out John Hopoate, so that was good for him. Sid Asiata, I have put on hold until he can train like a pro. Hepi to my understanding is still recovering from a broken arm. Chrisopolopidis and T-man I cant help you there. I believe that Dixion got the best fighters available and I think they put on a good showing for themselves. Eric Nosa's foot swelled so much he couldn’t walk so couldn’t continue. Peter Sampson got caught cold by an enraged Felise Leniu, who set out to KO peter early. But I am glad that you sat the watched all the fights so it must not of been that bad Bugs. I would give the night a b+

bugs is back
Posted: 2007-04-15 03:02:23
your right there rebel..I did sit there and watch itand what a waste of time too...I thought the fights wouldve got better as it went on..what rubbish it was..Ive seen fighters get hit with knees to the head and they get up straight away(clay atamagi), ive seen fighters hurt so bad they carry on(chopper and ron sefo) ive seen fighters get a real bashing(tman) and they all fight on. sid asiata and ben edwards what a fight that was. what courage they both had.

where was that last night.. they just gave up. leniu, sampson, smiling man, noosy and lemons who cant fight as pecker outclassed him. the only one who showed class was the pecker peck, the one who stepped up to the plate reti and the one who showed bravery samoa, aas for the rest, they are the muppets and you call them good.. I give the muppet show a Z.. and you was the ref. think about it rebel
Posted: 2007-04-15 03:08:59
Hi guys, hope everyone is doing well.

Congrats to Dixon and co for the event and big congrats to Powerhouse!
Rex Rumble
Posted: 2007-04-15 04:46:34

I think all the boys deserve alot of respect for steppin through those ropes.
Peck looked in amazing form and his experience really gave him the edge and deserved to win, good on him.

Leamy is all good he gave it his best shot and thats all he could do. I cant believe he got up from the knee is the head and then went on take a full blown head kick and stay standing- I dont think anyone ever has taken one of pecks head kicks and stayed standing have they? come on bugs what ya got to say about that?

actually bugs why dont you write your same post about show another 5 times as you know no one is reading them dont ya?

bugs is back
Posted: 2007-04-15 05:10:30
rumbles no ones reading, come on rumbles thats why you always like my posts, and yes lemons did put up a very brave fight and never gave up, but dont you teach him enough, hes too one dimensional, and got outclassed by a very undestructable pecker.. yeah you probably right about you havnt seen anyone take a head kick like lemons did, because they not stupid league players who think they kickboxers, and they are real fighters who keep their hands up to take the full force of peckers kicks. as I said what are you teaching them you seen first hand last night, pecker was in a league of his own, and like i said 5 times before, he came, he conquered and is now KING OF OCEANIA...but saying that with more time lemons will be a real fighter..
Rex Rumble
Posted: 2007-04-15 05:23:46
who do you keep posting? no one reads the shit you write
Boa Rogue
Posted: 2007-04-15 07:29:50
Hello Folks

The complete run down of the night and the exclusive photo gallery is on

check it out, and also pls do vote on the ROGUE online poll for the fight of the night.

Fight Editor
Posted: 2007-04-15 07:45:23

Check out the Photo Gallery:
Posted: 2007-04-15 08:41:09
Dear all,

Please note that the correct URL for the fight recap and photo gallery is

Sorry for the confusion.

Web Guy
Posted: 2007-04-15 13:51:42
bugs...... I may have this wrong, but the Kings of Oceania is a series with three more events to be held. According to the earlier posts by Dixon theres one in Aus, one in Welly and one more in Auck to be held..... so no-one is the king of anything until the series is over. That is unless the initial scenario has changed.

Any chance you'll ever step through the ropes bugs?
Posted: 2007-04-15 16:51:05
It was a good night of fights. Judges did their job, ref did his job and the fighters did their job. Unfortunately it was night of injuries and sometimes that happens. The fighters showed heart and put on a good show. Leamy fought on with a bad cut, sorry Rex I only had enough adrenalin left for one or two fights. We got to see the next wave of fighters coming through. Jason Reti did well and Fenise showed heart contrary to what bugs says.
I would like to see Ustinov and Shane Cameron box. Shane would have his hands full with Alexander. I see Ustinov has challenged Shane to a boxing fight, good stuff. Be an intersting contest. Shanes manager is constantly saying they can't find opponents for Shane etc.. no one wants to fight Shane, well here is an opponent ready and willing. Alexander is 5-0 with 5ko as a professional boxer.
Boa Rogue
Posted: 2007-04-15 17:44:19
Hi Focus

Yeah good analysis, and talking of Ustinov and Shane, ROGUEs first Boxing feature will have an exclusive interview with Shane Cameron. So pls be tuned in.Everyone did well for themselves and you must have had your hands busy with Andrew and young Jason. Was good to catch up and say hi to you.

Fight Editor
Richie Hardcore
Posted: 2007-04-15 19:13:21
It takes a lot of courage for guys who have had only two to ten fights to step into that line up Bugs, sure they may not have been up to your exacting standards bro but good on them for giving it there best. Each outing they will all get better. Sure winning is great, but all those boys I'm sure trained hard and did what they could and should be commended for their efforts.
bugs is back
Posted: 2007-04-15 19:35:58
ok then richie hardman, I commend them for hopping in there but the thing that is disappointing with these newcomers is that im sure there was someone else in oceania who couldve done better than them, who was more hungryer than them to win, not like the examples i gave before. All we saw was NZ's best fighters, not oceanias, thats whats annoying. oceania has some good fighters who wouldve done lots more.
Posted: 2007-04-15 19:39:38
Hey all I hope you liked the show. Norm I told you so hahaha and Bugsy have I picked you up as a fan? If so welcome aboard! I just want to say thanks to my sponsors Fairtex Pattaya Thailand and Max Muscle/MX Japan also the crew behind me that night and working the corner being ETK's Jason suttie,Roger earp Focus Chris Martin,Kiosud and my Pad man in Nagoya Japan at BodyBox Danny Blake who took a hell of a beating on the pads these past few weeks.
Maori " Hiriwa " Warrior
Posted: 2007-04-15 20:48:19
Well done bro..You were Awesome..
Posted: 2007-04-15 21:02:44
Thanks T I was hoping to have a few bourbon/colas with you after.
Maori " Hiriwa " Warrior
Posted: 2007-04-15 22:00:53
would of been glad to, but my fight got cancelled the night before because of an injury to alexi and wouldve been awesome to see you in action.Good luck bro for whats ahead. Sayonara Andrew san
Richie Hardcore
Posted: 2007-04-15 23:33:29
Fair enough point Bugs, but whho would you suggest?
Alex Porter
Posted: 2007-04-16 04:22:22
Shott Andrew! Loved seeing you carve up
Danny Blake
Posted: 2007-04-16 20:03:48
Congratulations Andrew.
Yeah i did take hell of a beating
on the pads.My arms are enjoying the rest.LOL
Any chance you can get a copy of the
show before you come back to Japan?
See you next week.
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