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Sandy Holt
Posted: 2010-11-25 22:36:07
Real Friends ! :-)

Sandy Holt
Posted: 2010-11-26 15:42:29
80 views and no friends ? ;-p lol
Posted: 2010-11-27 00:08:20
apparently real friends most of us only have 1 or 2 despite myriad acquaintances.

i think a lot of people use their friendships to gauge their own positions in life and when shit happens to other people they kind of feel relieved its happening to someone else.

Nothing lasts forever (except for Herpes), not even friendships , no matter what the movies try to tell us.
Posted: 2010-11-27 15:18:23
Most people know who thier real mates are,I'd say i have 5-6 i'm lucky....most maybe only have 1-2.
I know lots of people and they are mates,but real mates are always there for you...end of.
Sandy Holt
Posted: 2010-11-27 15:59:29
correct hawkman
Sandy Holt
Posted: 2010-11-27 16:01:52
correct hawkman and chalky

but tell ya waht im not a dog lover but id have him / her? as a mate .

after reading this im now open to-
a) offers
b) jokes c) sarcasm and wit lol
bridie murphy1
Posted: 2010-12-02 20:48:24
well i thought you was my friend sandy !!! but now my friend thinks my fighting is only at amature level !!!after you no iv commitet my life to the ring .
Sandy Holt
Posted: 2010-12-03 08:55:05
? eh?
im your friend and yes you are commited to it and your Whole life like myself and dont understand the AM BIT?
Deano White
Posted: 2010-12-05 02:34:53
In life u find that the people who praise how great and perfect they are have more faces than the townhall clock :D

Real friends tell you as it is !!!
Sandy Holt
Posted: 2010-12-05 21:54:11
lol good post deano
Deano White
Posted: 2010-12-06 04:16:33
True Sandy too many ppl beileve what they hear & not what they see ;)
Sandy Holt
Posted: 2010-12-06 22:43:13
true........... and same as ghosts :-p
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