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Brian Ritchie
Posted: 2004-08-16 15:37:15
I would like to introduce to you the newest concept from the creator of
Kickboxing.TV has been in development for the past few months. Onboard with the project is Ax News' Eric Haycraft, also known for his involvement with the Kickboxing Ring Report magazine.

KB.TV is our biggest undertaking yet and we'll need to full support of the KB community. Much like the Ax messageboard has been helpful in providing a channel for fighters and promoters to reach one another, the Kickboxing.TV show hopes to bridge the gap between the events and the fans. We also hope to bring more fans into the 'Kickboxing' community.

Concept : Kickboxing.TV will start off as a 1 to 1.5 hour long show with a new show appearing approximately every 2 weeks. We will show behind the scene footage of events, highlights, fighter interviews, promoter interviews, trainer interviews and training footage of popular fighters.

Plan : We'll start off first by covering events in the United States, with the plan to move onto European and then World coverage as soon as we can. As the show's content increases, we will expand the show to 3-4 shows per month.

Subscription : A Kickboxing.TV membership will be a monthly subscription at $5.99/month with recurring billing. Each Kickboxing.TV membership will also include an account, if the member doesn't already have one.

Launch : We will launch by offering a FREE pilot show to entice viewers into subscribing. This will happen in early September. Details on the pilot show haven't been worked out, but we have footage of the K-1 USA event that just took place as well as interviews of fighters and training footage. For those MMA fans, we have footage of Tito Ortiz doing Muay Thai training in Vegas. We'll also throw in coverage of an event in Florida called the Shin Do Kumite.

Tech : This show will be available to people with broadband internet access. Video streaming is too bandwidth intensive to watch on a dial-up connection. Cable, DSL, Satellite, T-1, etc. The show will be made available using RealPlayer technology with the Helix video-streaming server. Some of you may be familiar with Realplayer. A few years ago, Real's "RealOne" player received harsh criticism for having popup ads and spyware builtin and being very clunky and installing itself into every part of the computer system (I was one of those critics). With RealPlayer 10, they have listened to the community and they have removed all of the spyware and adware popups. The player has been redesigned and it is not as cumbersome as the RealOne Player. Realplayer has been a pioneer in the video streaming industry since the beginning, predating Quicktime and Windows Media Player. RealPlayer is available on most computer platforms (Windows, Macintosh, Linux/Unix).

Events : We plan to cover the major players in the Kickboxing community : Mostly, this will include various Modified Muay Thai and Full Rules Muay Thai events. We plan to cover both Mens and Womens bouts. We may decide to cover some other "Kickboxing" events such as San da or ShootBoxing, but we have no plans as of yet to cover "international/Low Kick" or "Full Contact" bout unless they happen to appear on a mixed-rules fight card. We will make an effort to distinguish between the different rules sets of the bouts we are covering.

If you are a promoter and would like to work with Kickboxing.TV to promote your events, please contact either Eric Haycraft ( or myself ( and provide us with your information.
Brian Ritchie
Posted: 2004-08-16 15:40:56
If you have any questions about the show, please post them here.
Posted: 2004-08-16 16:55:43
We are really hoping that our pool of Ax friends will support this project. We have been brainstorming on this for some time now and we have both learned so much from each new project. As the initial post stated the first episode will feature behind the scenes footage of the most recent Shin Do Kumite. Many axers were involved with this promotion and we have some great footage!

Also up is some interesting footage of Tyson doing mitt work in my town, Louisville. He was prepping for the fight.

And last but not least K-1 Vegas. I filmed some super stuff and the fighters were all very receptive!

I will post a few pics from the show.

There are currently no sites doing this for our sport! This is a huge risk for us and we could really use all the support we can get!
Posted: 2004-08-16 17:01:34

Posted: 2004-08-16 17:05:35

Posted: 2004-08-16 17:07:33

Thongsai in Tampa
The Flame
Posted: 2004-08-16 17:08:36

Flame with Eric in Tampa!!!
Posted: 2004-08-16 17:10:58

Flame and Claudia
Posted: 2004-08-16 17:12:10

Christian Toleque and Eric
Posted: 2004-08-16 17:13:26

Akebono and Eric in Vegas

Posted: 2004-08-16 17:14:03

Chuck and Eric in Vegas

Posted: 2004-08-16 17:14:37

Ignashov and Eric in Vegas

Posted: 2004-08-16 17:15:35

Tito and Eric in Vegas

The Flame
Posted: 2004-08-16 17:18:43

Posted: 2004-08-16 17:19:21
Keep checking for details and tune in to see the fighters get weighed, rules meetings, getting wrapped and very cool.......warming up. Ray Sefo is awesome to see bang the pads.

Thanks to everyone that has helped get this thing rolling!
The Flame
Posted: 2004-08-16 17:20:10

Posted: 2004-08-17 11:22:33
No input?
Posted: 2004-08-17 11:35:23
sounds great. when I get broadband at home, I'll sign up for it.

Chris Hernandez
Posted: 2004-08-17 11:52:11 got my $5.99.... I hope Flame is going to do some behind the scences stuff for you guys at SL and Dennis Warner's WCK.....
Posted: 2004-08-17 12:23:08
Good luck with ur venture brian
Posted: 2004-08-17 13:00:53
Thanks for the support! Flame was good enough to let me tag along to Super League in Italy and we are planning on the rest! But we need you guys! We need Ax to support this project!
Posted: 2004-08-17 13:05:18
Oh and by the way, our next show will be Dennis Warner's Las Vegas show!
The Flame
Posted: 2004-08-17 13:46:14

Brian Ritchie
Posted: 2004-08-17 14:03:06
Thanks fads.
Did you get my recent email re: ironlife?
Posted: 2004-08-18 12:14:03
The Flame
Posted: 2004-08-18 12:22:31

Posted: 2004-08-18 15:39:04
i should get broadband soon and then will join this KBTV-project-member-take part.

i`ve DREAMED about something like that for many years.
well obviously in the meantime other ppl have DONE something...
so a big "well done"to Brian and Eric !

(btw Eric,you shouldn`t be sad that there isn`t so much feedback RIGHT NOW.
very likely this is just due to OlympicsSyndrome a.k.a. least that`s true with ME.)

Posted: 2004-08-18 15:51:50
QUESTION:(very daft as per usual but so what )

is KBTV gonna produce/film everything or (in some cases )gonna use/buy material of other ppl ?
in other words:what we will be able to see on KBTV,would that also have been filmed(but not been available on the net)
without KBTV or not ?
are you gonna hire cameramen in other parts of USA ?
(i guess you`ll have to when you want to cover shows in Europe,right lol ?)
will you rely on freelancers who just occassionally supply KBTV ???

again,sorry if that`s daft,but nerdic me really doesn`t know but wants to :)

Posted: 2004-08-18 15:53:13
Looking forward to it Eric.
BTW Flame, nice pic with Dan Rawlings and the good looking guy on the right!
The Flame
Posted: 2004-08-18 16:59:27
I was wondering who the guy on the right was.........LOL.....
Brian Ritchie
Posted: 2004-08-18 18:10:32

The content of the KB TV show will change over time, I'm sure. The bulk of the content will be behind-the-scenes footage of events, talking with fighters, trainers, the promoters, etc. We'll also show some training footage and some event highlights. You'll come to know the fighters and the show itself. It's a bit of an inside look at the KB world.

We'll also show some fights in their entirety, but the bulk of the show will the content described above.

As far as the hiring of cameramen or freelancers, that is all stuff that we'll work out depending on the circumstances.
Sandy Holt
Posted: 2004-08-18 21:08:39
Nice-1 Guys ! and Flame ! please Put names to these People your With as Eric has ! then we Might know who is who?
Posted: 2004-08-19 08:50:36
Sandy, I am very surprised you don't recognize the guy on the right with Flame and Dan Rawlings. He is a Thaiboxing icon, a legend you should say! Devestatingly handsome and incredible intelligent. Men envy him, women adore him. He almost is to good looking for his own good. His humble spirit should be an example to all of us...
The Flame
Posted: 2004-08-19 09:46:02
Posted: 2004-08-19 10:24:51
It was an honor to meet you Flame! You know, I never even was able to meet Claudia...she seems a great Thaiboxer!

Do you have any more pics? Ring action? Someone had some pics of me, but my hair was a bit messed up in 'm, so they should not be published...strange how a few rounds of tag could mess a man's hair up. It's almost not worth
Posted: 2004-08-19 10:45:43
Well everyone should tune in to the pilot episode and see the interview with Stefan and his opponent after the fight. Very charismatic guys.

Sandy Holt
Posted: 2004-08-19 15:33:57
stefan writes:

Sandy, I am very surprised you don't recognize the guy on the right with Flame and Dan Rawlings. He is a Thaiboxing icon, a legend you should say! Devestatingly handsome and incredible intelligent. Men envy him, women adore him. He almost is to good looking for his own good. His humble spirit should be an example to all of us...

Nice One ! is that My RIGHT or theirs?
Posted: 2004-08-19 15:43:02
thank you,`ll definitely hear from me when i have broadband.
Posted: 2004-08-19 15:46:51
Excellent initiative guys. I wish you the very best of luck. :)
Mark L.
Posted: 2004-08-19 15:52:23
All the best!!!!! Sounds great!!!
Posted: 2004-08-19 16:01:01
funnnnyyy Sandy!!! Your right of course, although the guy on their right is Dan Rawlings and most of the above DOES apply to him.
Sandy Holt
Posted: 2004-08-19 16:13:05
Which! GUY? :-p
Posted: 2004-08-20 09:02:14

Oh you mean the girl on the left
Posted: 2004-08-20 09:04:41

or maybe the girl on the right :-0
Posted: 2004-08-20 14:09:33
Sandy Holt
Posted: 2004-08-20 21:40:50
Hey How ya do in the Above Fight?
Chris Hernandez
Posted: 2004-08-21 01:17:49
wow...the support her for this on AX is underwelming at best!!!!!

" Gee Eric and Brian, I appreciate all your hard work and when I decide to think about being able to afford to get a place in an area that offers the ability to get broadband I might think about giving you that enormous amount of $ 5.95...Hope I can afford both!!!! "
Posted: 2004-08-21 13:52:07
Chris I appreciate the rally cry and I will admit that the initial response was not as warm as I had hoped. We are really putting our hearts and souls into this project, we have been brainstorming this concept for very long. We really want to do what the MMA community excite our fans and players to create a revenue spending force. Promoters cant sell their videos, magazines dont last, fighters make small pay days and ultimately it all boils down to a lack of financial support from the kickboxing community.

All we are trying to do in the beginning is create an independent media source that will give more than a magazine, it gives a live action view of sites and sounds few fans will ever have an opportunity to see. We need Ax to be the first to step up and support our project!
Posted: 2004-08-21 14:33:45
Hey Sandy, I lost by decision...Kirk is a great thaiboxer. I lowkicked him, he body kicked me. We boxed back and forth. The lowkicks hurt him, it took him quite a while before he could walk normal again he told me later. His left body kicks on my liver hurt me right through my right arm! I hit him with a backside kick so hard he flew back but he would not go down. That's when I got really scared :-(
After a particularly hard kick on my right elbow in the second, I had trouble punching? After the fight it was determined that it had dislocated my elbow, they popped it back in at the restaurant lol. Besides being a great thaiboxer, Kirk also is a very nice guy... the souvenirs he left me with from Barbados left their marks a long long time ;-)

Eric, I think Kickboxing.TV is going to be great!!!!!! I will be sure to support it. Where can I sign up???

Good luck to you on this. If it is only have as good as the Kickboxing Ring Report, it will be more then worth the $5.95...
Posted: 2004-08-21 14:47:46
lol at Chris Hernandez.
i don`t dare to add up what i`ve spent this year for tapes and pics :0

it`s just no broadband on countryside.

apart from that you`re right of course.wish there were more ppl
who said "you can have my 5.99"...
CBC Video
Posted: 2004-08-21 17:25:10
Great idea guy's look forward to the launch. If you need any Camera people/production in the UK please drop us a line, we would be very interested in talking......
CBC Video
Posted: 2004-08-21 17:25:37
Great idea guy's look forward to the launch. If you need any Camera people/production in the UK please drop us a line, we would be very interested in talking......
Posted: 2004-08-24 16:18:12
Finally!Great idea!Looking forward to it.
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