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Posted: 2006-02-11 04:38:03
Andy Hug: "Never Give Up!"

A few months ago a fan asked, “How good was Andy Hug?” There are lots of answers to that question. This article expresses mine.



Click here.

Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2006-02-14 01:32:07
Respect Felix!!

Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2006-02-14 01:35:52
..."Andy was not a god. He was a man who had great passion in a sport and tremendous confidence in himself. He was not the baddest man on the planet. He lost fights to some very tough men. Andy, nevertheless, loved victory and did everything in his power to increase his chances of achieving it. His spirit is what fans remember most. He never backed down in the ring. After crushing losses, he regained his composure and focused on the next fight.

When asked to describe Hug, friends and opponents alike say one thing: “Never give up!” It was his vow to the fans, opponents and himself..."

Thanks for the words!!
Posted: 2006-02-14 18:49:25
I'm glad you liked it Oliver.

Andy was a good man and is still a good example.
dirk stal
Posted: 2006-02-14 23:48:26

Hi CentralKickboxing.Org,
You find the right person,Oliver Sperling is the greatest fan of Andy Hug on this planet.If you want to know anything about Andy,ask Oliver,he's the man !!
Posted: 2006-02-15 01:09:28
I know.
Part of the writing was trying to think of ways for Oliver to learn something new about Andy. HAHA. That was a tough thing to do. The closest I could come is to make him think "I never thought of it that way."

It was an interesting challenge.
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2006-02-15 01:33:29

I like your article Felix.

As I have told you many times in the past five years; You have a good pen, your way of writing is exciting, sharp and living - and your work is build on a enormous knowledge and passion, which make you and your work interesting.

Andy was indeed a good man and a warm and friendly human.

Andy’s fighting style, technique, skills, ability, weakness/strength, spirit, heart, his fights, success and his career can be discuss. But there was one thing about Andy, which no one can take away from him or disagree about, and that was that he was a good man, a good human with an amazing charisma.

Once again Felix, thanks for the experience.



I don’t all about Andy, but by reading articles like the one Felix just made, I am getting wiser as we speak :-)

Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2006-02-15 01:41:13
Trying to think like me..LOL

That must have been a tough one, ask my wife. She has been trying for more than 11 years, and she is not even close. Keep it up Felix.
dirk stal
Posted: 2006-02-15 10:24:50

I go with you,Felix !!Where are the days,that Oliver posted the most beautiful pictures of Andy on Ax.C'mon Oliver !! Let's go back !!Support Andy,as you always did before !!
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2006-02-15 12:32:34

Andy Hug trainig with Michael Thompsen.
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2006-02-15 12:33:36

Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2006-02-15 12:34:09

Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2006-02-15 12:35:43

Andy and a very fit Bernado
Posted: 2006-02-16 02:21:27
Do you mind if I add some of the pics here to the article?
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2006-02-16 09:48:00
Please feel free to use them Felix, and if you need more pictures... Believe me - I got them:-)
The Highlander
Posted: 2006-02-16 22:35:54
That is indeed a very fit looking Bernado
Posted: 2006-02-16 22:38:43
I look tough with oil and strategically placed lights too. LOL.
dirk stal
Posted: 2006-02-16 23:56:07

A great fight !! I like Andy his fights in the K-1 Fightnight a lot.He won all the six Fightnights !! Which fighter can say,that he won all the mainevents in his country?
Posted: 2006-02-17 00:48:36
sorry, I know this is off topic but does anyone know what Michael Thompson is doing now? He was with Steve Arniel's organisation wasn't he?

Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2006-02-17 01:24:00


Michael Thompson is still in the business. Last month he was in Denmark teaching knock down karate at the annual Kyokushin IKO2 Winter Camp.

(Picture: Sensei Michael Thompson og Sensei Andrius Klapatauskas)
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2006-02-17 01:31:54

Posted: 2006-02-19 02:09:10
thanks oliver.

great pictures too
Brazilian rookie
Posted: 2006-02-20 03:00:45
A great man and great fighter, all my respect. And Mike Bernardo was fit one day!!! =D
Neil Holden
Posted: 2011-02-05 16:30:04
Never forgotten.

Great article and video.

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