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Mark L.
Posted: 2006-10-28 10:55:32
Jaw TMJ Bite

For anyone is interested I'm gonna share some of my belief and experience in this area. Its not common and most dentists/docs will thing its bs probably...

The human body wants to survive. Paul Chek has come up with a survival higher archy in the human body.. Breathing is number 1 and your bite is number two...

Basically the theory is if you don't eat you die and so your body will do anything it can to keep the bite lined up (basically-I don't know this all in detail)

Breathing as you can see is pretty damn important. then bite..

slightly further down you'll find the C1.. Talk to a chiro and you'll likely find that if the C1 is out your whole body can be out..

Well if the jaw and your bite is out it can also through the whole body out..

The less important aspects of the body will do what they can to accomodate the more important aspects...

Someone with lumbar pain, a bulged disk for example... should really have thier bite etc assessed..

Getting to the real cause!!!!!! not just treating sysmptoms..

So I have finally been getting around to this assessment process..

Now this is rare. My dentist figures he's spent some HUGE dollars and looked at mant many of the jaw/bite/alignment stuff you there and figures its all been a waste...untill the last one (which my strength/conditioning coach was saying to do).

The thing is it contradicts basically everything he was origionally taught.

But it is making sense and he is getting some amazing results!!!

On himself-he has struggled with neck problems, SI joint problems, and leg length issues. He's been working on it for 8 years!!!! He got his bite assessed(not the normal way) got a temperary bite plate thing (to see if it makes a differance before doing anyhting more perminant) and his leg length was even for the first time in 8 years!!!! (my strength coach checked him while they were playing golf). So his bite plate starts to get a little loose and guess what?? Leg length goes out!!

So yesterday I went in. We'd done all the assessments, x-rays etc and I went in and deprogrammed my muscles around the jaw etc for a couple hours (electrodes on them) and then while that was still going did some exercises to relax trhe jaw even more.

(basically my muscles know where they want to go from years of experience-trying to get them to go wehre they naturally want to go)

So from this we could find out where my natural bite should be and made a temperary mini mouth piece kind of thing so we know how to line up my bite..

After that we took pics and I looked in the mirrow. Holy shit!!! I have had some pretty serious messed up neck issues for a long long time.

Even when I was little the hair dressors would say to put my head straight-I also thought it already was)

My head and neck were the straightest they have been in years!!!!! I also have SI joint issues and shoulder issues I totally believe is stemming from the neck due to the jaw!!

So for a couple days a wear this little temp mouth piece thing and make sure it feels good etc... then they make a proper temporary device that you wear for 3-6months (or something) and if you get results from it then you can look at more perminant orthodics, reconstruction, grinding I don't-what ever needs to be done.

Note-a dentist workig on your jaw doing it differently could cause problems..this is a specific way. If anyone is interested I can get the name.

My guy is the only guy on the mainland that does this. He is surprised with the results he is getting as it goes against his training.

For sport... :) I have heard from a very very good source it can make a 10-15% differance in performance for athletes!!!!

Hell even if my neck pain, SI joint pain and shoulder pain went away it would be well worth it.

I'll keep you posted and if anyone is interested in any info I can find out..

Its to do with nueromuscular stuff.. NOT just making it look good.

By the way.. it takes very very little to move a tooth (if the pressure is constant) the lips and the tongue should provide even pressure or else the teeth can more. My top front teeth are moved (which also effects my bite) because of how my tongue sits.. I had an op on my tongue when I was younger...they didn't do a good job (hell they probably didn't even know how it should sit)...

So know I'll prob get some more work done on it.. (but it'll have advantages-I'll be able to...use it more lol)
Mark L.
Posted: 2006-10-28 10:58:45
By the way bottle feeding babies will likely cause problems in the development or the jaw etc..

Even breast feeding wrong..

You can get special nipples for bottles that make the baby work for it much more like they have to when breast feeding.

If you CAN'T breast feed I would look into that. But breast feeding is so so so much better in many many many ways!
Mark L.
Posted: 2006-11-20 14:07:42
ok so I have had my bite plate thing in for a couple days now and I was just at my strength and conditioning coaches office/gym.

Because of a spondy (sondliolysthesis spel? read vertebra out of place from a fall at about 15 or 16) that I bugged I have been taking it easy and doing some rehab.

Anyway I was doing an exercise called the latteral ball role (great exercise) and he said to take out my mouth piece and do again. I took it out and went to do the exercise and HOLY SHIT! I had AWY greater difficulty!!!

I wasn't paying close attention but he was talking something about the nervous system. And when I got it put in my dentist was saying how much of a differance it can make in strength.

Though I believed that before it was really cool to experience it and there for to really know it now.

Like I'm sure i said above. Chek figures for athletes a 10-15% increase in performance. IMO thats bloody huge!!!!

Actually after I had had the deprogramming of my muscles to test the jaws proper place I was wearing a little temp piece for a bit. I dont know for sure as I have been doing a couple things differently but man did I feel more on the ball than usual.

(this method is not just anyway of fitting the bite together)

Mark L.
Posted: 2006-11-20 20:30:55
Not sure if I mentioned but he says when he takes out his mouth piece his SI goes out and goes back in when he re-inserts...

I also don't know if I mentioned that this method he is using and getting amazing results with goes against all his university training (oh thats all fact right?)

He's spent loads on courses and seminars etc on the jaw and bite over the years and he figures they have all been a waste. Untill the last one that uses these methods (my strength coach was trying to get him to do it for awhile I think).

Its not common and it goes against everything you'll learn in school-but results speak for themselves.. I'll keep you posted on my results!
Mark L.
Posted: 2006-11-21 09:17:29
I should add that my neck is straighter and now it should be more stable my strength coach ajusted it (not cracking!) and we'll see how long it lasts.

I can do myself actually as well.

I have two scales at home and stand one foot on each. I know my neck is way out when the scales have more than a 5lbs differance (more than a 5lbs differance is not a good sign regardless if its neck or not and swaying back and fourth over 5lbs is not good either-nor front to back).

I would be 5lbs out, do the neck thing (or have it done) and be pretty damn close.

Just jumped on and I'm with in about 1lbs!

I have had neck problems for years which have effected my shoulders and I also believe its a big part of my SI joint issues, leg length discrepancies (I have an appointment with my ART/chiro tomorrow and I'll see how my leg length is holding up-and if he adjusts how long it lasts now). I'll let you know what he says when he sees my neck also.

(incase I haven't mentioned, ones bite isn't as high a priority as ones breath-mouth breathers are likely to have many seemingly unrelated problems, or even the balance at which one breaths through the right and left nostrals. Belly breathing is one of the biggest keys to health. The PT in Vancouver with the best results (most success) regardless of reason for visit...all he does is breathing exercises with all his clients)

I'll keep you posted as it seems some peopler are reading.
Mark L.
Posted: 2006-11-24 05:05:51
So I saw my Rolpher and my chiro/ART guy since I've been wearing the mouth piece.

My Rolpher noticed my neck right away-you stand there and he looks at you and sees where you are out of balance.

My chiro/ART could tell too and I asked him to look at my neck. The tissue and muscle around my C1 neck was softer than usual. Of course when something is out is when they get tight etc and the C1 was lined up nicely.

I mentioned to my chiro/ART guy my experince doing the latteral ball roll and how surprised I was when I was far weaker and less stable without the mouth piece. He wasn't surprised and explained why.

I forget everyones explination exactly but I think it basically goes along the lines of. Your nervous system is trying balance you all the time and it puts the main focus and effort into the most important areas first (breathing number one and your bite is number two, three sight, four hearing, 5 C1 and down the list and largely down the body.

So when somehting main like that is out (crooked head will effect sight too, throws out C1) the nervous system spends lots of energy and effort in keeping it functioning (you don't eat you die pretty fast) and of course the effect it has on everything lower in importance.

As the body regains homeostasis the effects should be greater (funny how everything comes back to balance huh?) as my C1 is straightening etc. I'll have less stress on my sight (actually been wearing my glasses more resently but in the last couple weeks I have been wearing less! Just thought of that!).

Thats why athletes get big improvements in performance.

Now I have had nothing perminant done. I wear a mouth piece around that has groves in it for my teeth to fit in (its on bottom) so to close my jaw it will be in its proper position.

I have a sports (or MA lol) mouth piece made that also holds my bite in its proper position also.

After a few montrhs of wearing something like this one sees if it is making much of a differance in thier life and if they want to do something more perminant.

Now that gets pretty crazy potentially lol

But you could wear a mouth piece for the rest of your life also.

I am totally against most ops. Most can be avoided and most make the body function worse than before when other methods can often be used to address the issues. But this is one area that I would look at seriously... especially as an athlete!!.

Of course this goes against everything you'll learn in university. But results talk!!! IE knowlage turned into experience!

Not saying university isn't good. I just don't think that cause its taught in a university doesn't mean we shouldn't see if that info is true for us and shouldn't look to experience it and make that belief happen!
Mark L.
Posted: 2006-12-01 17:06:18
By the way we're getting a new mouth piece made so i haven't been wearing-my C1 is out again.


Not sure if I mentioned but traditional dental method of lining up the jaw dates back about 80yrs (so I'm told). What is taught in dental school is to jam the jaw back as far as it can go into the 'joint'... I guess its some kind of refferance point.

Point is thats what they came up with then and that is what is taught today.

Wonder how many people suffer from having that done to them...

What I am experiencing and taking about goes against what they teach but quite frankly results are all that matter.

But not when its ingrained in a system... then it takes years and years...
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