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Donald Boswell
Posted: 2006-12-13 13:17:29
Knees Beyond The Toes?
You bet they are, In all of the pictures above you can clearly see that the knees are forwards
of the toes. Why then do we as trainers still persist in instructing athletes to keep their knees
behind the toes. It is time to dispel this myth as we are more than likely setting up our athletes
for injury as failure to strengthen and develop the knee structure to withstand the repetitive
positions that they will be placed under during sports is criminal. If we want to improve
the functional training of our athletes then we must let them take their knees past their toes,
but only if they have appropriate levels of control to ensure correct levels of balance and
posture, to withstand the load of the body, any external loading, gravitational forces and
ground reactions.
Knees Beyond The Toes?
Safe or Not?
Fi tness Training on the Net
Ian Middleton BSc
Also when they were allowed to pass in front of the toes. The results of the study showed
that differences resulted between static knee and hip torques for both types of squat as well
as when both squat variations were compared with each other (p < 0.05). For the unrestricted
squat, knee torque (N·m; mean ± SD) = 150.1 ± 50.8 and hip torque = 28.2 ± 65.0.
For the restricted squat, knee torque = 117.3 ± 34.2 and hip torque = 302.7 ± 71.2. The results
clearly show that the techniques used in squatting have an substantial affect on the resulting
torque. When knees are restricted in movement this places much larger levels of
torque on the hips and also has the effect of placing the body in an increased lateral lean.
This may have the effect of increasing the chances of hip and back problems. The study concluded
that “Practical applications: Although restricting forward movement of the knees
may minimize stress on the knees, it is likely that forces are inappropriately transferred to
the hips and low-back region. Thus, appropriate joint loading during this exercise may require
the knees to move slightly past the toes.
Fred Hatfield (Dr Squat, 1989) suggests that “Squatting properly: with upright torso, knees
extending over the feet, and to apposition near or below parallel: centralises the majority of
the stress in the quadriceps. The hamstrings, glutes, and erector spinae receive some stress
too, but not enough to rob the quads of major effect.” Hatfield has clearly learnt his craft of
squatting well (a bit of an understatement as anyone that can squat 1014lbs is clearly a master
of their craft.) and realised the correct distribution of torque over the joints that allowed
for safe and effective squat training.
Vern Gambetta (2006) tells us to “Remember the body is a link system, if we restrict movement
in one part another part must make up for that movement.” With this in mind it seems
to me that we have forgotten the importance of the feet and ankle in the safe and effective
execution the squat. How much of an effect has the amount of foot that is placed upon the
ground during squatting. The answer to this problem may well be to have the foot take a position
that is equally spread between the heel and toes. McGill (2006) may provide the answer
that allows for athletes to achieve correct placement of the foot from the heels to the
toes during squatting by performing a gripping motion of the foot. McGill describes this as “
The floor grip is accomplished with the toes and the heels actually gripping the floor inside
the shoe. This also widens the base of support and gives the lifter more stability, which ultimately
creates the conditions for optimal hip drive and the steerage of load through the linkage.
Sometimes we start shoeless foot gripping exercises with the lifter to develop this type
of essential foot athleticism. We'd also do this with golfers and strongman competitors who
have to grip the ground when pulling/pushing, etc.”
McGill's above exercise may help us to achieve correct levels of balance and enable the muscles
to function synergistically to provide correct movement patterns from the feet, ankles,
hips, low back and neck. With the use of the floor grip during squats you will probably
achieve improved balance, stability and posture that may help to properly distribute the
weight between the shoulders, low back, hips, knees and ankles. The knees will not be able
to travel excessively far forwards of the knees if the feet remain fully anchored to the floor.
A bigger danger would be if the knees were seen to be internally rotating during the movement,
than if the knees moved slightly forwards of the centre of the toes.
Position on Hip and Knee Torques During the Barbell Squat The Journal of Strength and
Conditioning Research: Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 629–633.
Hatfield, Frederick C. Power A Scientific Approach Contemporary Books , 1989
Posted: 2007-09-07 13:54:39
Interesting reading, thanks.
Posted: 2007-09-08 02:54:22
yeah , informative
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