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Posted: 2007-01-25 12:19:36
Hi everyone,

Wonder if you can help? I keep having aches in the lower part of my back, well more the back of my hips (ie. where the waist line is on trousers)?

I am not sure if it is from the cold and from standing around or kicking from cold? As i teach kickboxing 6 hours aday.

Is there a stretch for that area? As it isnt really the back as I mentioned above. I applied white tiger balm but should have tried a heat rub maybe.

I sometimes get it when anticipating a competition fight? Is it a build up of stress? Please help...


Mark L.
Posted: 2007-01-25 14:24:32
Get your SI joint and SI ligements check out would be a guess.

I'd also work on stretching your tight areas (not just any area). Quite likely your adductors, hip flexors (especially your illiopsoas) and likely hamstrings and QLB.

See what is tight.

Check core function for sure also.

Those are areas I'd start looking.
Posted: 2007-03-23 20:04:56
Went to doctors who did a 20sec diagnosis by asking me to touch my toes (which i had no probs doing), and he said I have 'mechanical lower back pain'? and that I need physio?

What does this mean, is there many types of 'mechanical lower back pains' or is that it? I can ring up the physio and go private through my healthcare but wondering if there are any stretches or exercises you know of, if the below gives you any clues on what my prob is.

- Hamstrings are flexible
- Groin flexible
- Hip flexors pretty fleible too (although I did have hip problems in the past from tight hip flexors - so I stretch them alot now).
- Back seems to ache if i stand around too long, otherwise can appear also randomly.

Any of this help .

Mark L.
Posted: 2007-03-24 13:13:22
if its tight stretching it should be good..

strengthening what is weak is also good...

all that comes from assesment though.

If you're C1 is out it could cause leg length issues and back pain etc..

you could have a spondi...


muscle imbalances

I worked on someone at a work workshop with lumbar pain. We only worked on emotional stuff and it went away (first time happened work accident and then car accident-onyl did emotional work). It stayed gone for about 3 weeks. She started to have some new and similar emotional stuff come up in her relationship (the emotional stuff we worked on before was about an old relationship) and the back pain came back. As she delt with that emotional aspect it went away.

A student of mine got jumped (top make a long story short). He pulled a muscle elbowing the guy around his shoulder blade.

We only worked on the anger around the attack and the shoulder pain went away and has stayed away not for three days.

One woman-ski accident. Right knee. We worked on mostly emotional stuff and got the swelling down about 85% in about 10min. Didn't have too much time to work on it more. It got much better and then later when reintroduced into the emotional situtation she was in (husband came home after a trip) alot of the knee issue came back. As she worked out her situation (she's leaving him) the knee started to feel better etc...

Sounds out there to alot of people but time and time again I see it.

My point? -there are many approaches and for some a doc is the right path. For some a chiro, for some an energy worker etc etc

If you believe it can-you're right
If you don't believe it can-you're right

(though I have used EFT quite abit on non-believers with good results)
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