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Posted: 2007-02-01 10:47:26
Im probably well off the mark here but its just a querey . Ive have noticed if i have been well hydrated all day and then train i find stretching easier and more comfortable , but when i have a poor day with little fluid i find stretching uncomfortable and much harder .. is there a link , does hydrating your body during the day help stretching , is there a link or am i wierd lol

Mark L.
Posted: 2007-02-01 14:34:33
Huge connection!!! I'm sure I have mentioned on stretching threads. Food is also a pig factor!!! As is tress and thoughts.

Think of it, your body is 70+% water!!!!! Body function is hugelyt effected by water. Drink quality and the right amount. A good gage to start is .5oz per lbs of body weight minimum daily.

Nothing replaces water and energy drink are garbage at best. IMO&E
Posted: 2007-02-01 16:53:17
Cheers Mark .... im not wierd after all
Mark L.
Posted: 2007-02-01 23:04:04
I'm not sure the connection proving your last statement... :P
Posted: 2007-02-02 00:37:39
Mark L.
Posted: 2007-02-02 09:46:39
I think the origins of 'wierd' are more to do with the super natural...
Don't know if that makes things better or worse lol :)
Posted: 2007-02-09 05:07:38
Water can help you relax, if you are relaxed its easier to stretch.
Mark L.
Posted: 2007-02-09 09:17:59
How so Gor? Other than being properly hydrated? I don't think I'm aware of that. Please share.

Take a look at the % of water in muscle andf consider what happens to muscle function when dehydrated.
Posted: 2007-02-13 08:52:46
Drinking plenty of water flushes out toxins which in turn helps your relax. I totally agree with what your saying as well mark about hydration of the muscles.
Posted: 2007-02-13 08:58:18
Mark L.
Posted: 2007-02-13 12:04:20
Gor-toxins = stress, less toxins = less stress
Makes sense to me!!!

Dehydrated is stress too..

Lots of ways to go with that.

Imagine what type of water is in you.

The science experiment in which I shared my experiences with rice and how love and hate effect it come from experiments with how love and hate effect water.

It is clear to me that water holds the vibrations it has been around and of what is in it, been in it etc.

I have actually experiemented with testing water after love or hate has been projected into it a couple of ways. One way is with muscle testing.

Now consider we rae 75% water (give or take a bit). Assuming we are even hydrated, what effects do you thing tap water with chemical toxins in it or water that has been in a negative enviroment could have on us. Or greater yet what our thoughts and what we surround ourselves with effect the water with in us and there for us? etc

I have muscle tested people thinking a negative thought and they test weak. Positive and they test strong.

If nothing else in the body the water will record and hold vibrational patterns.

So the question is what kind of vibrations and or water do you want to be made up of?

By the way if you link 20 people (all touching) and you muscle test at one end when the person at the other end lies you will get a weak muscle test.

So think loose too lol put a long, relaxed vibration into your body! :)

Sound wacko to some of you? lol

E=MC2 everything is energy (vibration)
Posted: 2007-02-18 08:36:23
Great post mark, Its amazing to think what we see, hear, feel,taste and touch are just made from the same stuff, except its vibrating at a different frequency:P
Mark L.
Posted: 2007-02-18 09:46:51
Wild huh Gor? :) The human body is amazing. Western science and medicine ignored and lost alot of stuff.

Now I can actually feel and see some of what the general doc would denie I know its true from a place of experience.

Feeling different energies and starting to see energy fields... thats reel for me. Not a book saying there is or isn't.

Example being the first few times I got energy work done on me I felt nothing. Now sometimes it practically knocks me out. I have also worked on people with it and feeling energy move, feeling different densities, feeling results and seeing people experience similar and different things to me allows me to know its reel from experience.

When you consider there is nothing but energy things start to get really interesting.
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