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Mark L.
Posted: 2007-05-18 08:31:21
Let me start by saying that I do believe there is a time and place. In fact I think anyone can benifit from seeing a therapist. Personally I don't go to traditional ones as much but I am sure there are great ones. I actually joined my gf to go see hers the other day.

That said there is a huge assumption that we need to be fixed and or that others can fix us and that drugs can. Its interesting there seems to be no science behind it.

5min on phychiatry, drugs, and no evidence, tests or cures....hmmm
Mark L.
Posted: 2007-05-22 10:22:45
"The Drugging of our Children" documentary by Gary Null
SSRI drug dangers/Columbine shooting etc

Posted: 2007-09-03 13:34:03
didn't check the links u posted, but agree 100%
Mark L.
Posted: 2007-09-06 08:49:43
It is funny that when you emotional pain, fear and shame is released, people simply chose to act differently and experience life differently. I also believe that taking these away affects physiology and our energy flows and field.

I have a client that has a degree in psychology and counseling and now uses EFT pretty much daily.

"I just had to write you and tell you a comment that I have received SEVERAL times this past week…SO MANY staff and parents have mentioned to me at a variety of times that I am “glowing”...I don’t know why, but I am feeling very good/well…just had to share this with somebody. ...working with "Jen" (changed name) is going much better than expected…Is this just my own attitude ??? I cannot believe how positive I feel right now and I sleep really well, too."

This amazing person has taught me a lot about healing and the courage to look inside. When she does, it seems her external world changes. At least her perception does and she experience life totally differently.

when judgments of others change...our experiences of them change and they often seem to change too...

regardless... actions and beliefs lead to either peace or stress. I personally like peace.

I wonder what drugs might have done for her...
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