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Posted: 2007-07-17 19:58:26
Which one is worse?

When not in training I like to have the odd sugary drink fix (usually Pepsi Max) and want to know how bad this aspartame is that appears in most/all sugar free drinks? I understand it is meant to be neurotoxic in high doses, but many thinks are bad in HIGH doses.

So, if drinking a carbonated drink every now and then - which is worse... full sugar or sugar free with aspartame?
Bryan G
Posted: 2007-07-18 07:23:55
Maybe someone can confirm this, but I'd read that aspartame was potentially carcinogenic. A lot of supplements companies now are taking it out of their products, so it's enough to have worried them... or at least the surrounding negative publicity is.
Mark L.
Posted: 2007-07-18 16:36:43
Sugar is poison.

I would eat sugar over aspartame any day.

A Little info on it.
Mark L.
Posted: 2007-07-19 13:20:29

A Sweet Challenge

Rico Caveglia

Why do we crave sugar?
When primitive man found something sweet in nature such as a berry, he quickly learned that it was safe to eat. It is nature’s way of letting us know whether something is edible or not, sweet is good, bitter is not. And of course now we know that most foods that contain sugar in their natural state such as honey and fruits are healthy for us.

We naturally gravitate to something sweet when we are really hungry because sugar digests very quickly and satisfies our hunger very quickly.

Studies have also shown that sugar acts similar to addicting drugs like morphine to produce opioids in the brain. Opioids produce the feelings of pleasure and satisfaction and thus can become addictive.

When food manufacturers figured this out they began producing sugar laden foods, especially foods for children. And of course sweet foods and candies are normally given to children as a treat, or as a reward, or just to quite them down. The result is most people are hooked on sugar when they are just a small child.

A piece of the article...

Sugar works in some of the same ways heroine does in the body.
It is hugely addictive (they even add to cigarettes).

That all said, and this is a tame article on what sugar does. I would eat sugar over aspartame any day!

You're body (if not 'reversed') will test very weak to aspartame.

Soft drinks are about as bad as you can get in terms of damage to the body. But I would take regular over diet any day of the week.

Posted: 2007-07-19 20:33:35
Thanks Mark - knew I could count on you.
brian stevens
Posted: 2007-07-29 12:05:04
"When not in training I like to have the odd sugary drink fix (usually Pepsi Max)".

Pepsi Max is sugar-free, mate.

It does however, contain aspartame.
Posted: 2007-07-31 04:12:38
Your question made me think so I spoke to a friend of mine who is an endocrinologist and he said that artifical sweeteners are complete poison. This guy treats diabetics for a living and he says you are better off having a regular soda than having the diet sodas. When you have sugar your insulin levels will spike but the body does recognise how to deal with it, when you have artifical sweeteners you recieve the sweet taste and your body creates the chemicals for digesting the sugar that isnt there leading to cravings for real sugar. He also said that people who use artifical sweeteners are 4X more likely to develop diabetes than people who don't. His personal thoughts on it are that a person will have a regular soda and recognise that its not great for you and have 1 or 2 but would feel fine chugging litres of diet soda because its low cal but the body will then crave the equivalent amout of sugar that would have been in the soda anyway.
Mark L.
Posted: 2007-07-31 09:14:40
I also believe that sugar (poison) over artificial sweeteners. There may be one of two exceptions.

I have not heard telling a diabetic to eat sugar over them in terms of what it can do but I wouldn't be surprised. :)

Basically it is about taking responsibility for health. Instead of doing whatever, not thinking it will have an effect and then running to the doc and blaming it on genes etc

Bruce Lipton's research suggests that 98% of us are orn with good genes.

Also no matter what your genes most of us live at only a tiny fraction of our genetic potential.

Lets say it was true that you were had a tendency to be diabetic. If you lived healthy chances of you being diabetic are almost non-existent.

Chinese medicine would say there are certain emotion/thought processes/beliefs related to diabetes etc In my experience that end almost always plays out.

Louis Hay has a book with a list of physical things and what emotional stuff they are related to.

I met a guy with a hernia who asked me if EFT could help with that. I asked him how long ago and then what was happening then. At the time it started he went through a divorce. He thought he was totally over it so I asked his body if he was. When his body responded no (muscle testing) the connection and realization brought up emotion instantly and with his emotional release simply from the awareness he felt tingling (Qi flow in my opinion and experience) in the hernia which he had not felt in any way in years.

Anyway, the point is after I looked in Louis Hay's book what hernia was related to. One of the two things was - ruptured relationships.

Even though I experience this over and over I thought "wow"
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