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Marcus Haig
Posted: 2007-08-09 16:10:55
Oh god, I meant that to say CON or real....ha

We ran some advertising for a company called Oxyshot (Oxyman UK Ltd) last year that produce "oxygen based" supplements.

I have recently tested this product myself with a couple of fighters; none of whom could see any difference in performance after using this substance. None at all. To make matters worse, the stuff smells and tastes of bleach.

I then decided to read the website, which to be honest, made some rather unfounded beneficial gains.

All in all, I don't really know what to make of it .....has anyone ever heard of this product or tried it? what gains did you make if any?

I'm fairly sceptical at the best of times, so any help is appreciated.


Fighters Magazine

P.S. I'm asking cause we're putting together a supplements article in the next couple of months and I'm looking for unusual products to feature alongside the mainstream supplements.
Mark L.
Posted: 2007-08-10 11:27:56
I did a little reading on it.. somewhat undecided from that.
My logical thought is...probably over rated at best.

Scientifically - no real strong opinions other than the first step
in improving oxygen usage in the body is getting to the basics and
learning to breath properly and doing daily breathing exercises etc...

I did just do a little muscle testing on it and was getting, from muscle
testing, that it isn't much good. You can take from that what you will.
For me, I am comfortable trusting the info I get with muscle testing while being
open to it changing or the possibility that I am getting in the way.

Marcus Haig
Posted: 2007-08-12 04:51:51
Hi mark,
Thanks for your comments. What do you mean by muscle testing on the product? I'm a little confused by your last paragraph.....sorry mate, any chance you could explain what you meant a little more? I'm unfamiliar with muscle testing as a general term.

Many thanks and apologies for my idiocity :-)

Mark L.
Posted: 2007-08-12 12:04:59
There are different types, but an easy and basic...

Basically you test the strength of a muscle and compare relative strength when the body is influenced by different stimulus.

Example - have someone tell the truth and then test, then have them lie and then test and you will find a relative strength difference.

This can be done with foods.

Test the relative strength comparing to base or thinks that you know are good and test strong.

Because everyone is different you find that some people may test strong to apples and some weak.

"The body cannot lie"!

With a little practice this can be used and applied to most anything.

Have a fighter visualize and imagining dominating an opponent. Test them and you will find they are weak.
Have them visualize and imagine do the best they can for them and they test strong.

Can test with any food, and diet, anything the 'experts' claim and see if it is true for you!

With clients, one of the basic ways I use... well today I worked with a woman with some shoulder problems. (remember truth is strong and lies make you weaker)
I had her make statements about her shoulder problem to look for components that may not have been physical.

I had her say. "There is no work related communication issue component to my shoulder pain." she tested weak. (that means there is)
I had her say. "There is no relationship communication related issue to my shoulder pain." Also tested weak.

Interestingly her shoulder pain started (regardless of physical aspects) 8/9 years ago in which there were communication issues going on at work and her relationship.

So instead of just approaching the physical we started to clear out the energetic imbalances related to those emotional memories (which most people don't think they are over - you can muscle test saying "I am completely over this issue" -almost everyone I have ever tested is weak) then you go in and clear it out.

My point is you can use it in many many ways.

Simply holdng a food or protein powder and muscle testing will give you a response.

It gets deeper and more complicated and many many cool applications.
(you can ask the body questions that the conscious mind does not recall for example - find hidden traumas to release or blocked memories etc)

The main thing is it is a technique ANYONE can use to discern the 'truth' for them. No matter what any expert says.

Dr Getoff finds it more reliable than blood testing (which he also does). You can send the same blood with different names to the same place and get different results.

Now there is a skill and art to it but with a little practice anyone can do on anyone. (there are exceptions)

This is a tool that could benefit anyone.

-find out what you are allergic too or what is making you weak. What foods, what music, hell even what books.

On the same note, you can see what makes you strong (what benefits you and is healthy for you)

"The Body Doesn't Lie" is the first book I read on it.
"Power vs Force" is another (Mother Teresa is quoted on the back about it)

With a little practice, if you can get critical mind out of the way, you can muscle test yourself.
I will literally pick up a food in the supermarket and test myself.

When someone speaks to you you could simply test lol You can use other senses, intuition and ways of reading people for that too... but it is an easy way IF you can get yourself and judgment and expectation out of the way.

But with a partner, the regular way, it is relatively easy.

I had a guy think he was over his divorce years ago... I muscle tested him on a physical issue with a statement relating the physical and the divorce... it tested that they were connected. Simply making the connection allowed him to access suppressed emotion and he simply broke down (wasn't even a session, not really private).

(beware of anyone selling anything when they use muscle testing as they CAN influence the test)

There is a thread in which I tried to explain the how to (prob called muscle testing)

-any continued discussion on muscle testing probably best suited for muscle testing thread

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