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Raj Singh
Posted: 2007-12-07 11:59:38
I have recently started taking a meal replacement shake that claims to be 50% protien and 50% carbs (not sugar). The second ingredient listed after whey protien isolate is maltodextrin. The guy at the shop told me that this is a slow digesting carb and sugar is listed near the end. However I think it tastes too good to be good for you so thought I would find out your thoughts. Is maltodextrin a simple or complex carb and is it good for you? Can athletes such as ourselves benifit from it? How about for overall health and staying lean?
Mark L.
Posted: 2007-12-08 09:55:17
Pretty sure its sugar. Its a mixture of linked D-glucose polymers... glucose is sugar... pretty much anything that ends in "ose" is a sugar too.

I would also consider the type of protein... best choice in my opinion is meat...

When I went from not being able to train to top form of my life. The first step I took was no more protein shakes and no more multi-vits.
Mark L.
Posted: 2007-12-08 10:05:30
Get someone to give you a hand,

Stand with your arm out to the side.

Hold some good quality water.

Have someone apply slowly increasing pressure on your arm until they get movement.
(you resist - don't have to fight it just resist)


Hold the product in your hand (some say against your chest - works either way in my experience)

have them apply slowly increasing pressure until they get movement (resist again)

see how the body reacts.

you should really gage to make sure you are getting clear responses first.

Say your name and have them test you
then say "my name is Fred Flinstone

if you can feel the difference and your name is strong and the lie is weak then you proceed with testing the product - always get a comparison...say water for example

there is more to it but that is basic muscle testing (there is a thread on this)

there are quite a few naturopaths that use this to check all suppliments and foods etc for a personal program..

I use it with almost every client (I do it a different way - the arm is just easiest to discribe)... and I only use it cause it gets results... I get info that sometimes people respond to with "I've never told anyone about that in my life"

A little practice and it is pretty easy to at least look at the foods and products you want to take.

Raj Singh
Posted: 2007-12-08 18:32:44
Thanks for the info Mark, any more info on maltodextrin?
Posted: 2007-12-24 09:11:52
the protein mixture you got is good only after training.
the reason maltodextrin is used is because it has the ability to fill up muscle glycogen reserves before being used by the liver or any other uses,but this only happens after training when muscle glycogen has been used up and needs replenished.
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