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Posted: 2008-09-29 09:15:35
WANTED - Lee Smith Footage

Hi folks

I'm looking for anyone who has any fight footage of Lee Smith.

Lee was tragically killed in a motorcycle accident in June 2007 and I am the organiser and promoter of the Annual Lee Smith Thai Boxing Memorial Show.

The 2nd event took place on Sunday 7th September and during this event I had a large screen showing some footage of Lee, however sadly due to Lee being very modest about his Thai boxing career he didn't have many of his fights on video so I'm looking for anyone out there that may have some footage that they would be prepared to loan me (or for those technically minded folks if they could transfer to DVD that would be even better) so that I can get all the footage put together onto a DVD which will be added to the 2009 Lee Smith Thai boxing Memorial Show and will then be sold to raise funds for the Lee Smith Trust.

If you have any footage please email me at for details of where to send footage.

Posted: 2008-09-29 09:20:02
have you see this lorraine
Posted: 2008-09-29 10:39:48
Thanks Gerard but that footage originated from me from the limited number of videos myself and Lee's mum found in Lee's room (I cant take credit for putting it on you tube though).

I'm hoping that anyone that fought Lee during his career may have kept videos of their fights.
Gary Wilkinson
Posted: 2008-09-30 14:53:43

Come on axer's, if Phil Glover has all those pic's from the 80's
then hopefully some of ya's can dig deep for some Lee Smith fight vid's,
whilst it's all for a good cause in promoting muay thai.

Posted: 2008-10-05 06:08:04
I'm also looking for any Thai Boxing photos of Lee. I'm particularly looking for a picture of the banner that hung outside the National Stadium in Thailand of Lee throwing a round kick, the banner has gone missing since its return to UK but if anyone has a picture of it I'd like to try to recreate the banner.

If anyone has fought Lee during their career and has any footage please contact me at

Posted: 2010-10-23 13:14:13
Hi guys

I'm reopening this topic in the hope that folks may have any footage/photos of Lee during this fight career.

The 4th annual memorial show has recently taken place in September and all footage received to date has been included in the DVD of the show but I'd love to add any more if anyone out there has any.

I can be contacted on if you have anything that would be much appreciated.
Posted: 2011-11-16 11:11:10
Hi guys after reading through the fab 1980's memories thread I was hoping that while you have all been digging around in your past memory boxes that some of you guys may have some footage/photos lying around of Lee Smith.

If anyone fought Lee or was on the same fight bill as him and has an old video or set of photos lying around myself and Lee's family would be very grateful if we could have a copy. I will ensure that if you need to send any originals I will send them back asap once I have copied them.

I am particularly trying to get footage of Lee's last fight which was a super prestige fight in Eutin on 15th May 2004, Lee was due to fight Rene Mueller but this fighter withdrew due to injury and Lee went onto fight Ruck of Bujin Gym Rommerkirchen, which took place in Eutin at 8pm on 15th May 04.

If anyone can help please contact me at

I've got all the you tube footage thats currently available as lee's family released those but if anyone has anything else that would be fab.


Posted: 2011-11-16 18:36:46
Hi Lorraine, firstly I commend you on all the hard work and effort you put into the shows each year. You are true friends of Lee and he would be so proud of you all for keeping his legacy going. I remember around 1999 when I was fighting on the amateur circuit, Lee was a force to reckon with and anyone who won southern area title would be unfortunate to cross his path! This is going back to the old iamtf days! Try nigel howlett of eagles bedford, he knew him well and put on a lot of shows around that time especially at the bunyan centre in bedford, sydney/nigel thompson of east area beford might be a good shout as they fought at that weight around that time and maybe jerry jackson of hanuman in luton, he was apart of east area in luton coached by art wilkes (rip mate) they had a fighter called bobby miller who also probably crossed paths with lee at some stage. Pierre mahon of kao loi was slightly heavier I think at middleweight but he too was active around that time. I hope you find the footage, and if any axers can help please do whatever you can.
Phil Glover
Posted: 2011-11-17 08:44:13
Hi Lorraine, I wish I could help on this one I have had a look but not got much material left now if I do find anything you will be the first to know!
Phil Glover
Posted: 2011-11-18 11:05:45
Quite a line up on here including Lee Smith who was ranked no.5 in Britain with the independant rankings at the time!

This was taken from an old magazine called 'Kickboxing Monthly' which was out in the early to late 90's it was a great mag for all the latest news on Thai Boxing & Kickboxing and featured some great interviews with fighters like Ramon Dekker,Cobal,Rob Kamon,etc.
Phil Glover
Posted: 2011-11-18 11:23:22

I also found this in 'Kickboxing Monthly' dated April/May 1996

Posted: 2011-11-18 11:43:41
Wow thanks Phil this is great - I dont suppose you could email me a scan of the article could you - I organise an annual memorial show for Lee and we have footage of lee and a photo slide show at the end of the DVD so I would love to add this to the the disc.


craig brown
Posted: 2011-11-18 11:59:10
Hi Lorraine i fought Lee many years ago at Sandy Holts show at the famous Silverwell St, Bolton Venue.
My copy of the video got damaged but i am sure Sandy will still have a copy it was about 1995 i think????
Hope you get everthing you need and the help you deserve every credit to you for your hard work and keeping Lees name going strong.Lee may be not with us any more but i am sure he is in Spirit.
Posted: 2011-11-22 11:14:42
Thanks guys for everyone who has contacted about this, its really appreciated. If anyone else has anything lying around or knows any of Lee's former opponents that I could contact that would be much appreciated.

Lee was very shy about his Thai boxing career and really downplayed his achievements so if anyone came across his path it would be great if you could get in touch.


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