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Topic:Tonino Lamborghini Energy Drink Uk Launch
Tonino Lamborghini Energy Drink
Posted: 2010-03-19 15:45:18
Tonino Lamborghini Energy Drink UK Launch

Nineteen Media present the 'Tonino Lamborghini Energy Drink'…

Sterling Distributions Ltd is the Official UK and Ireland Distributor of Tonino Lamborghini Energy Drinks – the “Next Big Thing in Drinks” – launching nationwide in the UK and Ireland.

Half-a-million cans were sold in a recent trial launch in the UK. The uniformly positive feed-back received from customers and business-owners alike, in addition to our decision to replace the controversy-provoking synthetic ingredient taurine with B Vitamins, together with our internationally recognised brand, gives us full confidence in the success of our nationwide launch.

As you will see, our product launch is supported by a massive investment in mobile and static advertising presence and PR activity, orchestrated by Saatchi & Saatchi and other leading agencies:

- Eight Lamborghini buses taking students and young people to dedicated events.

- Fifty Smart Cars generating product awareness and supporting you and your customers.

- Decorated Black Cabs driving around city centres.

- Bill-board ads in bus shelters, tube stations, railway stations and airports.

We will supply you and your customers with suitable quantities of POS materials, t-shirts, banners, posters, coolers, etc.

Please also take the time to visit our website

In order to receive a detailed information pack, or samples of the product, please forward your contact details to

Nineteen Media request that any stockists of the Tonino Lamborghini Energy Drink forward their details to This will enable us to contact you regarding any special price and product promotions. Stockists are also invited to send images promoting themselves and the product as these could find themselves on the Tonino Lamborghini website.

Any questions and queries should be directed to
We look forward to hearing your comments and feedback.

Tonino Lamborghini Energy Drink

Tonino Lamborghini Energy Drink
Posted: 2010-03-20 05:45:20

Tonino Lamborghini Energy Drink
Posted: 2010-03-20 05:45:45

Tonino Lamborghini Energy Drink
Posted: 2010-03-20 05:46:15

Tonino Lamborghini Energy Drink
Posted: 2010-03-20 05:46:51

Tonino Lamborghini Energy Drink
Posted: 2010-03-20 05:47:36

Tonino Lamborghini Energy Drink
Posted: 2010-03-20 05:47:59

Tonino Lamborghini Energy Drink
Posted: 2010-03-20 05:48:53
Alix James
Posted: 2010-03-20 07:19:54
I'm guessing sugar in a can?? :)
Uncle K
Posted: 2010-03-20 07:37:28
This is from the 'Forum Rules':

10.Spamming the forum with advertisements for your products, services or events will not be tolerated. If you want to advertise on Ax, please contact us at

is this thread not a blatant free advert?? While I agree that the contents of the can are not exactly Spam, and probably doesn't taste like Spam, could this not be classed as Spam in disguise??

yours respectfully

Mark (U.K)

Posted: 2010-03-20 07:50:04
lmao there's no way i'm asking for a can of "tonio lamborghini" lol is this a wind up? like when i used to get sent to the corner shop to buy a bongo bar lol
Tonino Lamborghini Energy Drink
Posted: 2010-03-20 08:27:01
The images posted are taken from the Press Pack that we would like to send to all martial arts centres, and is not an attempt at free advertising. We will look to advertise on the forum once we have generated awareness of the product to the martial arts centres who may want to stock the product.

If any outlets are interested in receiving the Information Pack please email

The product is currently available from the major wholesalers, including Costco. Within the coming weeks the product will be available in all local retailers.

Unlike many energy drinks available on the market, the Tonino Lamborghini Energy Drink does not contain Taurine. Instead this synthesised ingredient has been replaced with B-vitamins. Full details of the product are available in the press pack.

For further information please look at the company website:

Posted: 2010-03-20 09:11:50
bet its going to be expensive too
Tonino Lamborghini Energy Drink
Posted: 2010-03-20 13:15:59
Jamin: The Recommended Retail Price of the product is 1.29, which is in line with Red Bull and other energy drinks. Some retailers may choose to sell the product at a higher or lower price than the RRP, depending on the demand and demographic.

Posted: 2010-03-20 15:57:14
I want to try some :)
Posted: 2010-03-20 16:00:43
nice tits!
Posted: 2010-03-20 17:13:10
bet the tits were expensive
Sandy Holt
Posted: 2010-03-21 01:58:24
guys you want me to sell it in my gym? and webshop? i will and if your interested in advertising my Next Thai Boxing Show? Ikon V Battle Of Bolton?
let me Know ?
sandy holt
Posted: 2010-03-22 01:20:22
"We will look to advertise on the forum once we have generated awareness of the product to the martial arts centres who may want to stock the product."

You are generating awareness free of charge, why would you pay something you are getting for free. I say take this thread off or pay for the ad space. jmo
Uncle K
Posted: 2010-03-22 03:18:08
Whichever way you try and spin this, it is advertising for free. It is not a product that is directly associated with any form of sports let alone the ones that this forum is intended for.

Just a thought, but if you was to offer some sort of incentive to some of the clubs involved in the sport, by way of sponsorship etc. I think it may help your cause. Instead of using this forum for free advertising.

For the record, you are a media company that I would presume are industry savvy, and would know all about internet and where to find addresses of clubs if that was your intention, so please don't insult intelligence with lame responses about generating awareness!! My initial question was not intended as an attack, but your response is laughable. Any new product that enters a market must have a budget set aside for advertising, to generate public awareness, so why not use some of that budget by sponsoring some of the great events that are highlighted on the forum or helping some of the great fighters that post on here with their training fees in exchange for displaying your products about their person or event. What better way to get your product noticed within the industry than having some of it's more respected people endorsing your product?? Just a thought of course ;-)

Kind Regards

Mark (U.K)
Posted: 2010-03-22 23:57:38
good idea, sponsor a fighter
Sandy Holt
Posted: 2010-03-23 00:53:28
and a gym :-)
Liam R
Posted: 2010-03-23 05:59:37
plents pictures there, could only be 1 or 2 peoples companies in manchester or bolton lol
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