from 64.8 - 56.8 ( i think) ,
8 kilo x
The worst one was from 72 to 65 in a week because i had two fights in two weeks at those two weights..........I mostly "stayed in" that week.
i have never been so weak in my whole life,it was day before weigh in and that made no difference i was so tired in the fight!
how the fuck do people do this?? i am struggling my arse off to get to 75kgs for under 2 weeks time, i have been properly dieting for last 5 weeks, running 6 days a week, training 2 hours a day mon-thurs after work at our gym, sparring at bad co every fri, training 2-3 hours every sat and i still got nearly 5kg to go. im seriously eating next to nowt as aswell.
i dont understand how people loose all this weight in like 2 days or summat especially if its a day before weigh in? is it just through weight cutting?
im obviously missing something lol!
Yes weight cutting and water loading have a lot to do with good for you in the long run !
I felt like i had aids or something
my head went in the fight ,
would never cut so low again
I used to do 8/9kgs.....but not any more!
Jonno- writes:
I felt like i had aids or something
AX classic!
noi666 writes:
I used to do 8/9kgs.....but not any more!
Good diet or fighting heavier?
Good for you,
shame thoug I miss a few years ago when we used to email every day when we were bot still fighting and we used to take the piss when one of us was trying to make weight and the other was stuffing themselves with brekfast baps...ha ha
Its a very fine line when cutting weight via diet not to under eat. You still need to keep the metabolism as active as possible as well as feeding your body to aid recovery.
Eating 'clean' and often.
Women also have some specific things they need to monitor when making weight.
I found water loading pretty effective, although I've never really had to 'cut' weight.
Marianne - you looking forward to that sauna!!!!! :-)
I heard drinking distilled water helps ?
im not fighting now mate, i just cant make 75kg, i thought it would be okay but im just under 79 now and probs could have made 77/78 in another week but she still would have had to give some weight away which i dont want. i cant remember loosing weight ever being this hard, it has been an absolute nightmare, i have really struggled.
you're right about it being a fine line for your metabolism and also energy levels.
am only gonna fight at 79kg from now on, although i will be lucky to find opponents at that weight :(
To add insult to does get harder to loose weight as you get older!
I am not rubbing salt in just from my own experiences it gets harder...stick to your normal fighting weight,it seems you train very hard and this is the weight your body is happy to be at.
good luck with finding matches,it maybe an idea to diversify and also compete in Kickboxing and full contact to optimise the amount of fights you can get?
Good luck in the future
I honestly think you can do 75 maz, when I cut weight it seemed to never be happening then suddenly fall off in the last couple of days, I have been told by a good source jwp goes 3 days with no water or food at all coming upto weighing in, if that's true it's mental
i would love to get to 75 Paul, am just really struggling to get well below 79kg. i just thought it would be easier. maybe's if i can try and walk around at 79/80 for a while and keep it there, then it will be easier to go another 4kg or so.
not that it actually makes that much difference at this weight though to be honest, whetherits 70 ot 70, there are still no oppnonents. girls in the mid 60's find it hard to get matched, so after 70, your fucked!
bloody hell, 3 days without food or water? thats radge!
JWP would loose 12kg in 4 days everytime the fought (according to a very close scource) and the difference there is he was a professional getting paid very good money.
i too have done crazy weight loss and as a rsesult had very bad kidney stones in the past due to serious dehidration.
I just think you have to weigh up the options and the gains.
i used to be pretty much on weight at 18/9 didnt have to lose anything
as soon as i hit 20 tho.. betwen 6-7 kilo week before .. provided that its a day before weigh in and i was fighting at 64
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