deep tissue damage
after taking a huge kick on forearm and a previous break ive sustained deep tissue damage and just wondered if there was any advice on how to speed up recovery or any other advice :)
Hi Steve
Unlucky you have a repeat injury after a fracture :(
It is difficult to give general advice without locating the injury.
I have done a list which I hope you find helpful...
Anterior muscles of the forearm (front)
Pronator quadratus - Deep (Turns the hand over)
Flexor pollicis - Deep (Flexes the thumb)
Flexor digitorum profundus - Deep (Flexes the fingers)
Pronator teres - Superficial (Pronates the forearm)
Flexor carpi radialis - Superficial (Flexes the forearm & Abducts the hand)
Flexor carpi ulnaris - Superficial (Flexes the forearm & adducts the hand)
Flexor digitorum - Superficial (Flexes the fingers)
Posterior muscles of the forearm (back)
Supinator - Deep (Supinate the forearm)
Anconeus - Deep (Assists extension of the forearm)
Abductor pollicis longus - Deep (Abducts the thumb)
Extensor pollicis brevis - Deep (Extends & abducts the thumb)
Extensor pollicis longus - Deep (aids ext & abduct of the wrist)
Extensor indicis - Deep (Ext index finger)
Extensor digitorum - Intermediate (Ext the fingers,the wrist & the elbow)
Extensor digiti minimi - Intermediate (Ext the little finger)
Extensor radialis longus/brevis and ulnaris - Superficial (Control movement in the wrist)
Then there is the Brachioradialis on the posterior side of the forearm, flexes the elbow.
So by looking through this I am sure you will appreciate that it is difficult to give advice without being clear of what you are treating.
Kelly :)
hello kelly thanks alot for that list i fink its could be a couple of them pronator quadratus sounds like one of them and so does the supinator and anconeous , all ive been doin so far is ice , gentle massage , and movement which it does seem to be gettin better but would be very gratefull if you know any other helpfull tips , thanks alot
Hi, no worries @ all. Keep it moving as you are doing, start introducing heat into your treatment, alternating between ice (contrast bathing) keep it moving and have a go at using some resistance band to exercise the wrist/elbow.
A stress ball for finer movements may be of benefit and to also assist with blood flow.
If you feel it is easing up now, then keep doing what you are :)
Good luck
thanks alot kelly will follow your advice , appreciate it
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