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Posted: 2011-09-11 09:23:55
I am so surprised that the 10 yr anniversary of this major attrocity has not been marked on here !!!!!!

Regardless of whether this is a forum on eating doughnuts, or a forum on how fookin hard 'we' all are. 9/11 is the epitomy of what 'we' are all about !!!

The sheer disregard of ones own safety of the people running towards the twin towers, whilst the vast majority were running away, shows what TRUE courage is about !!!

My he4art and soul go out to all those Fire-fighters, Police, Ambulancemen and all the other selfless do-gooders who put ther own lifes on the line to help others !!!

It doesn't bear thinking about !!
Brian Ritchie
Posted: 2011-09-11 22:36:26
Probably because political topics aren't allowed on Ax. But I'll let this topic go and we'll see how far it goes before it gets out of hand.

I'll tell you what I was doing on 9/11. I was working for a health food store. At that time, I didn't have a TV and I didn't listen to the radio, so I had no idea anything happened. When I got to the store and began my shift, a coworker made some sort of comment about humanity and what a difficult day this was. Her comments seemed very bizarre to me because I didn't understand her point. She continued talking and then eventually noticed that I wasn't saying anything and I had a very puzzled look on my face.

With a shocked expression, she said, "You mean you don't know?"
"Know what?".
"Oh my gosh! It's all over TV and the radio!"
"Oh. Yeah, I don't watch TV or listen to the radio."

And then she told me what happened.

What a strange way to find out.
Phil Glover
Posted: 2011-09-12 03:20:32
I was welding at the time and could barely hear the radio,the other lads did'nt take much notice either but because it was near to me I just caught bit's of the news.It was so strange because one minute we had music on the next some guy was talking about a plane flying into a tower block,I actually thought the channels had changed but slowly it all began to sink in and I realised this was for real!
After tellng the other guys we all began to stop work and listen to the news I remember it was around late afternoon but bad as it all were we still could'nt quite beieve what was happening.I remember phoning my wife to let her know and then rushing home feeling edgy about it all,it still had'nt sunk in properly but once I got home it was all over tv...9/11 was a sad day for everyone around the world and I think most of us will remember where we were on that day!
Posted: 2011-09-12 07:14:56
I was at work and we had a TV in the workshop Canteen - it was like watching a movie - real scary as you just did not know what would happen next.
Posted: 2011-09-12 08:25:34
i was in my office watching it all on tv. i think everyone to some degree is traumatised by the shocking visual reality of it all.
Posted: 2011-09-12 08:51:14
Yes times flies it doesnt seem like only a few days since my now 21 year old daughter had just started high school 10 years ago and what a horrific time for all of mankind.
Deffo surreal like watching a movie in slow motion just didnt sink in still hasnt to this day tbh.
Posted: 2011-09-12 14:21:15
Apologies Brian.

I broke my golden rule of not typing in forums when one is inebriated. I was feeling pretty sensitive about the whole thing and ended up writing that diatribe above. Apologies again.
Posted: 2011-09-12 14:56:04
i had just been shooting and was walking home and everyone was coming out and telling us that planes had accidentaly crashed in new york, its big. wish all the religion problems and all that could be sorted out the world would be a better place
Posted: 2011-10-08 01:04:00
The only atrocity that should be remembered about this is who actually did it!!!
And the cover up that followed, and how the general public are so quick to swallow the bullshit fed to them by the media and governments - a sad reflection on our present society as a whole!
Posted: 2011-10-08 03:56:58
i have been ridicluled for people ovr the last 5 years because of my views on this. Thing is no one who rdicules me ever leaves the conversation without learning much more about the whole thing because they only ever saw what the cameras and liars let them see
Posted: 2011-10-08 05:19:40
fahrenheit 911 is intresting
Posted: 2011-10-08 15:26:44
yup chicks go crazy for that one. And Issey Miyake.
Posted: 2011-10-09 16:08:45
Well said Thrasher. Most people would never even dream that their own country could commit such an awful act against their own people and then have the nerve to put the blame on the innocent.

9/11 opened up many doors for these evil people. It gave them the excuse to go and get what they wanted. And many innocent people including their own died in the process.

Posted: 2011-10-10 11:46:32
""Well said Thrasher. Most people would never even dream that their own country could commit such an awful act against their own people and then have the nerve to put the blame on the innocent""

That's crazt sh!t right there; even Jon Pilger (famed anti american bleeding heart left winger) doesn't go that far.

NOW I am not saying that the US intelligence community didn't know more than they were letting on but to imply the US actually flew the plans into the bulidings themselves or planned it is pure fantasy IMO.

I know there are groups who's interest it is in to 'sustain the war on terror' but I am not buying the above; not for a second.

Posted: 2011-10-11 10:56:32
Baaaah Baaaaah
Posted: 2011-10-11 11:46:28
not the US government nor the CIA. probaly mossad or someone with a zionist / NWO agenda. I still cant work out who exactly. But the same people who did this did the July 7th bombings in London and the bombings in Madrid. No question.
Posted: 2011-10-14 11:22:05
So the four scumbags who blew themselves up in 7/7 were Zionist, ZOG agents, hired by the the illuminati?

Not having that; they were religious fascists who had been brain washed by other religious fascists. ZOG, Israel or the new World Order had nowt to do with it in my opinion.

kirkby thaiboxing
Posted: 2011-10-18 14:00:09
loose change final cut watch it the good old usa done this and much more all for oil and money nothing else
Posted: 2011-10-19 08:20:25
AndyC- these guys apparently got to where they were on trains that they missed and couldnt have been where they were at the time the investigations say they were.

Look into Peter Power Visor communications radio 5 live interview the day it happened- he was running a terror exercise (simulation) involving ALL the stations where bombs went off. Chances of that???
Even stranger, on 9/11 the reason why americas main east coast cities were left without cover was.. because a simluation exercise was being run over the northern atlantic invoving theoretical terrorists hijacking planes.
Chance of that?

And then Chances of both these days , terror simulations being run and EXACTLY what they were planning for , happening twice?

look deep into the rabbit hole. have a look at the american architects for truth website. read up about how its impossible to manouvre a commercial airline to do what it supposedly did to get to the Pentagon. Have a look into WTC 7 , the 3rd tower which went down , and the interview with Larry Silverstein about that. Look into how all the passengers dna was apparently atomised in the crash , yet terrorist passports were not. Look at how evidence was removed from a federal crime scene and disposed of, right before everyone's eyes. Look into the firemen who have been threatened with losing their pensions if they ever give another interview about the numerous explosions they heard as the charges went off inside the twin towers.

I can go on all day about this .....
Posted: 2011-10-19 12:44:14
Hawkman. Glad you understand. Be carefull what you say or you may end up being tortured in a container somewhere in the UK which is actually egypt as you enter with Egyption laws.

If people want to baaaaaah that is up to them to have such a closed mind.
Posted: 2011-10-24 04:37:53
Thrasher is bang on here. Planes get flown in to buildings there is no way of recovering them for forensic testing because of the heat intensity. The buildings get demolished by the so called heat. The whole area is coated with thick toxic smoke, dust debris etc etc and yet they find a nearly perfect intact passport of one of the terrosist flapping away in the wind. haha Don't make me fucking laugh!

Osama bin laden was just the terrorsit fairy. Just like god is the sky fairey and like me and my wife are my sons tooth fairy!!

All governments lie. People actually believe it which is even more worrying.
Posted: 2011-10-24 05:43:15
actually Nigel-Ash it was me, not thrasher!

im a conspiracy nut , and so is my wife!
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