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Topic:Doping In Martial Arts - Using Prescribed Drugs
The Phoenix
Posted: 2011-10-03 11:20:50
This is not about use of steroids justa question of concern

my friend was recently diagnosed with narcolepsy and has been
prescribed modafinil

this is what i found out on wikipedia

Doping agentModafinil has received some publicity in the past when several athletes (such as sprinter Kelli White in 2004, cyclist David Clinger [40] and basketball player Diana Taurasi[41] in 2010) were discovered allegedly using it as a performance-enhancing doping agent. (Taurasi and another player, Monique Coker, tested at the same lab, were later cleared.[42]) It is not clear how widespread this practice is. The BALCO scandal brought to light an as-yet unsubstantiated (but widely published) account of Major League Baseball's all-time leading home-run hitter Barry Bonds' supplemental chemical regimen that included Modafinil in addition to anabolic steroids and human growth hormone.[43] Modafinil has been shown to prolong exercise time to exhaustion while performing at 85% of VO2max and also reduces the perception of effort required to maintain this threshold.[44] Modafinil was added to the World Anti-Doping Agency "Prohibited List" in 2004 as a prohibited stimulant (see Modafinil Legal Status).

I have advised my friend of this as he was looking to compete in some imf sanctioned muay thai fights and doesnt want to break any laws or be seen as a cheat

what are yoru views and opinions ?

Posted: 2011-10-03 18:18:01
Religion is wrong, they should bring back the death penalty, "no" means "no", Michael Jackson was awesome and Lady gaga is shit.
The Phoenix
Posted: 2011-10-04 02:56:27
HA HA nephilim

I meant views and opinions on using prescribed drugs that may be seen as giving an advantage.... (but you knew that anyway)

Posted: 2011-10-04 07:02:32
haha yeah sorry i couldn't resist! If it was me I'd keep training but I'm not sure I'd fight whilst using them. Not sure I could view any win whilst on it as a true "win".

Then again.... if the sport can't get it's act together enough to screen people for things, regardless of reasons, then it leaves itself open to it! Bit of a gray area for me the way the sport is just now.

If we do manage to get Olympic status somewhere down the line then I would say a definite no.
Posted: 2011-10-04 12:34:05
there is no drug trsting in any muay thai so he will be fine. no problem
The Phoenix
Posted: 2011-10-05 06:50:01
Hi Nephilim and paul

Thanks for the feedback

I think that he will still train, possibly compete (valid point re view of winsnnephilim)

he starts taking them this week so will monitor his training see if there is any difference in endurance etc.

valid points re drug no drug testing in thai and situation re olympics in future

The wada webste emntioned athletse using some prescribed drugs to counter an illness and believ it doenst enhance there perfomance just evens the playing field but still a gray area..


Posted: 2011-10-05 09:02:50
acht, if ye want my opinion, theres a few people on em in the sport anyways and if the sport cant get its act together to monitor it properly then thats what happens
welsh eagle
Posted: 2011-10-05 16:20:08
Drug testing was ongoing at IFMA worlds last year i saw loads get tested, and also at Sport Accord i believe.

Amateur MT has a seperate status to Professional (non padded) bouts, i am sure the WMC have a drug testing policy in some member countires also as will the WBC Muay Thai department.
The Phoenix
Posted: 2011-10-06 02:54:21
Thanks Welsh Eagle
Posted: 2011-10-27 16:49:39
Isnt that when you dig up dead people for sex.
Sorry i got mixed up with necraphilia.
Sorry couldnt resist my mate has it and is always taking the nod and knocking himself out without anyone in front of him punching him in the kisser.
Posted: 2011-10-28 14:10:45

I know alot of fighters who are on prescribed medication that fight.

I'm NOT a doctor or pharmacist, so make sure it's OK with the doctor first. Some medications are OK, but others are more serious. Plus, a fighter, trainer, promoter, needs to realize the limitations of certain medications.

For example, if someone is taking medication for a cold, probably not a problem, but if someone is taking blood preasure medicine, well they need to talk with their physician about that.
Posted: 2011-10-29 13:49:27
surely it's simple, if the body you are fighting under view the drug as "illegal" then you cant fight. Ask the governing body.
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