Topic:Do I Go Back In To Light Training
Do i go back in to light training!!!! i tore the ligament on the inside of my right knee about 2 months ago.... my re-hab is going very well and i believe my knee is nearly back to normal. ive been doing my wn re hab on it by going to theswimming pool and just walking up and doown the length of the pool, i am really wanting to go back into training!!!!!!!! abslutley screwing to go back into training, but i dont know if i should risk it!!!!
Your physio will be able to advise you on this, if you speak to them and explain the type of training you are wanting to get back to they will test you. Weaving between cones, running, rebound and balance boards are just some of the ways to check the stability around the knee.
Remember you need to work on the hamstrings, gastrocnemius, soleus and quadriceps as well as hip stabilizers when you have a knee injury to help with strengthening and stabilizing the knee joint.
Hydro exercises are great for ROM but remember the buoyancy takes the weight from your knee so you will feel you can do more than you can on dry land.
The majority of MSK doctors/physio's will have a MCL program that they follow and issue to patients, they should be your first point of call when you have a question regarding your rehab IMO.
Good luck!
K :)
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