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Topic:Yodsanklai Fairtex Vs Kem Sitsongpeenong
Posted: 2012-11-07 18:41:44


Two Heavy­weights in the world of Muay Thai will col­lide on Decem­ber 30th, 2012 at the Pat­taya World Box­ing Sta­dium. The main event at “Muay Thai Com­bat Mania” will fea­ture two leg­ends, Yod­san­klai Fair­tex vs Kem Sitsongpeenong.

Yokkao is plan­ning on host­ing sev­eral events next year in Europe, South Amer­ica, and the United States. The plan is to have mem­bers of the Yokkao Fight Team tak­ing on top fight­ers from the coun­tries they visit.There will be a live stream of the event at and

The under­card bouts have yet to be announced. This is a rare oppor­tu­nity to see Two Thai Fight­ers who have made it big on the inter­na­tional stage go at it. As we have seen with Buakaw and the “Thai Fight” pro­mo­tion, great Thai fight­ers who have made it big inter­na­tion­ally, have been in a rhythm of fight­ing only “farang” fight­ers. There has been a lot of recent scrutiny against Buakaw because of this & other high pro­file Thai Figthers.

Any­body who knows Muay Thai doesn’t need to be explained all the great acco­lades of two leg­endary fight­ers like Kem Sit­song­peenong, & Yod­san­klai Fair­tex. It will be very inter­est­ing to see these two war­riors go at it. They will be fight­ing at 71kg for three, five minute rounds. The weigh in will be done the same day of the fight in the morn­ing. Who do you have win­ning this fight? For more infor­ma­tion go to

Posted: 2012-11-08 00:38:12
i might go have a look at this
Posted: 2012-11-08 01:46:56
Same day weigh in? Sandy Holt will spunk his drawers ;-)

Didn't think Yod could make 71. Makes for a good fight, ex training partners at Fairtex n' all. Is Kems fighting weight not 67? Think Yod might be too big for him but never know. Kems hard to put down, and tricky with the elbows.
Posted: 2012-11-08 01:55:04
At 71kg Yod's going to be very hungry and potentially underpowered. I'm expecting a Yod KO round 1 or 2 or Kem wins over 5 rounds points of TKO via slicing and dicing.
the celt
Posted: 2012-11-08 03:26:14
This fight was announced and confirmed 3 months ago, Yokkao have now got on board,

It is the same day weigh in,unless it has changed but I doubt it :)

Road trip down from Bangkok for this fight
Posted: 2012-11-08 03:28:09
i think yod will struggle now also to get down in weight to 71
Posted: 2012-11-08 05:14:34
Saw Yod a month or so ago and he looked a lot trimmer than before. He has been working with strength and conditioning coach and looks in good shape. Not sure if this fight is still going ahead though.
Posted: 2012-11-08 07:10:38
has Yod fought much lately? Heard nothing about him at all
Posted: 2012-11-08 07:17:01
Won the WMC world middleweight title at 75kg a few months ago against Vladimir moravcik! Can get the fight on YouTube, won by 3rd TKO
matthew goulden
Posted: 2012-11-08 08:54:44
not that bothered by this matchup.Yods hasnt seemed that great last few times he fought, and doesnt fight much does he these days?Kem wins this all day I reakon
Posted: 2012-11-08 09:40:07
to write yod off would be crazy, hes not been too active but he has still hammered people when he has been, yod is a fairtex fighter kem was the fairtex boys know exactly what yod is up against if they thought he wouldnt win i dont think they would have took it, a year ago or so buakaw was off the boil look at him now!!!
Posted: 2012-11-08 10:31:44
Since the kings cup in 2010 he's beat Jose Barradas, Karim Ghajji, Fran Palanzuela, Sirimongkon Sitanupap, Antuan Pinto and Vladimir Moravcik. He got a bit of a hiding off Yashito in Thai fight and lost to Kyshenko and Prakayseang Sit Or in the Toyota final. Quite active I'd say.
Posted: 2012-11-08 13:03:08
yeah to be fair that a fight about every 4 months its as active as about anyone gets at the higher weights
Dean Ford
Posted: 2012-11-08 15:25:41
3x5 mins? Surely this is meant to read 5x3 mins?
matthew goulden
Posted: 2012-11-08 16:52:44
I stand fully corrected!Not followed him that much to be honest.I still think Kem wins this, but who knows?(certainly not me it seems!!haha)
Posted: 2012-11-08 17:19:56
me too, i didnt realise he had fought that much lately!
Posted: 2012-11-09 01:44:29
If the fight with Kyshenko had been 5 rounds thai rules I think Yod would have won. That's also on YouTube, worth a watch its a great fight.
Posted: 2012-11-09 08:16:22
yeah yod come on very strong late in that fight i thought he was gonna stop him
Posted: 2012-11-09 12:37:50
I am going : )
Posted: 2012-11-15 08:09:16
Just been confirmed commentating this event buzzin x
Posted: 2012-11-15 09:20:31
may see you there then vin!
jp gallacher 1
Posted: 2012-11-15 14:27:18
Yod all the way for me :)love his style
Posted: 2012-12-29 22:46:00
Both Yod and Kem weighed in this morning. Yod was a fraction over so had to spend only a few minutes in the steam room. All is go for tonight, can't wait!

Here's the photos from the weigh in this morning;
Posted: 2012-12-29 22:46:47

paul pearson
Posted: 2012-12-30 17:44:30
Rnd 3 elbow ko from yod:)
the celt
Posted: 2012-12-30 21:29:32
Vinny what happened you didnt get to come over and commentate, we had to listen to the Ginger bender sidekicking Rob
Posted: 2012-12-31 05:48:54
You can see all the photos from the full fight at and clicking on [Photos] or directly with this link;
Yodsanklai Fairtex vs Kem Sitsongpeenong (2012-12-30) - Fight Photos

Actually all the fight photos aren't up there yet, but should be there later today - probably ;-)
Posted: 2012-12-31 07:09:57
Is there any footage of this anywhere?
Posted: 2013-01-01 19:05:19
Okay, that's my photos from the fight online at;

Usually at the stadiums every week I make fight photos from ring side, but on this event they were very adamant that only their photographers were allowed around the ring. There were some spectators holding up their mobile phones and small cameras, so I'd guess that some have got video, but possibly not the best quality. Just have to keep looking on YouTube and maybe something will appear eventually.
the celt
Posted: 2013-01-02 02:11:59
What stadiums do you take photos at every week Tom?

Very nice photos from the Yokkao show thanks
Posted: 2013-01-02 02:44:32
Nice photo of the closing elbow, cheers!
Posted: 2013-01-02 09:32:45
still no video??
Posted: 2013-01-02 17:28:41
Thais wouldn't pay the money me and Kieran are doing all the European ones sad though I wanted to do it but stream was really bad so no to my knowledge has seen it
Posted: 2013-01-08 22:12:28
not the best video but they slow down and zoom the ko

Posted: 2013-01-09 01:13:04
Thanks for that mate, looked like a good fight but Yod seemed stronger throughout.
Posted: 2013-01-09 06:16:14
imo opinion not the best for either of them ...seen them both fight 10 times better and who were all the foreighners in fairtex corner lol
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