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Topic:Rising Champions 2 Iska Jnr World Title Fight
Posted: 2012-12-20 08:55:30


we have the best in britain at his age and weight catagory just won his european title on the first rising champions show now looking for a iska world title match for him i am looking for a usa oponent if possible or anywhere that has the same weight exp and age that wants to put there kid up for this he is 31kg 7yrs old will not go older than 8yrs or 1kg either side of his weight want it to be bang on fair fight he has had 26 fights is anyone up for the challenge if so please email me for further details also looking for some european girls 49/50kg 13yrs for titles if you have any one contact me i can see what i can sort out we also have other uk titles available and other fighters just email for info

many thanks
Kieran Keddle1
Posted: 2012-12-20 10:06:39
did you get my facebook message>?
The Friendly Feritt
Posted: 2012-12-20 10:21:53

Hope you are well.I am sure the above child is very good and has huge potential,but world title at 7 ? Kids should just be left to fight at this age and let them develop at there own pace.

Just because he has a big belt,while good for any child as it gives them something for the parents to be proud of and brag about in the pub.But there are many belts out there,all held by kids whose trainers and parents all hail as the best,not saying there is anything wrong in this,as they are kids.But most belts are not held by the best and are not worth the plastic and metal they are made from.

This may come across as a negative post,it was and was not if you know what I mean.Good luck in his future fights.
Posted: 2012-12-20 10:28:22
Well said feritt. The kid is good, although I saw him get beat quiet easy at the super league a couple of weeks ago. There should be a natural progression, area, English and British not straight to a European title and as mentioned above at 7 years old. This is happening far to often and is making all junior titles worth nothing. What was the calibre of his opponent like he fought for the European title. I am suprised at the Iska for sanctioning this in the first place.

Sorry to sound negative.
Posted: 2012-12-20 10:45:03
keiren no i didnt get one mate ;)

its ok guys like my post said he is the best at his age and weight in the supers and in many other titles he has won he has had to fight kids at 10 and sometimes 1 years older and 3/4 kilos heavier like the kid who beat him was 4 kilos heavier and older he fought an excellent oponent at europeans but it is like you said young but why shopuldnt they have this opertunity if they are able and someone else is willing also he has many titles he has progressed verywell and this will not be the last thing of this child i also know there are many many more kids out there and they are to worthy of this so maybe they should look into it theres nothing to say he is not worthy of this he takes this sport very seriously and puts his heart and soul into it thaks for your feed back though much appreciated guys ;)
Posted: 2012-12-20 10:54:56
sorry i ment 11yrs not 1yrs and also just found out the that beat him was previously 39kg then on the day weighed in at 36kg and had to sjkip to get to 35kg and riley weigh in at 30.6 becauase he didnt wanna go in the little catagory cos its to easy for him he likes a challenge and takes every challenge thrown at him even to his disadvantage as he likes to push him self to be the best the last supers he breezed through cos he was in the lower catagory his mum said if ANYBODY age 7yrs 31kg wants to challenge him she will personally pay for any title on it ;) thanks ;)
Posted: 2012-12-20 10:55:29
If you don't see the problem in a 7 year old fighting for a world title then I don't think what anyone says will help you see the light so.....

Why not fly over a thai and see if he is a World Champ, I would say IMHO they have a better crop of kids then say..... The USA?

Surely their are better things for the kids future than labelling him a world champion or European for that matter at seven years old! Baby fight club anyone?
Posted: 2012-12-20 11:10:21
thankyou for all your coments and one of the best coaches and fight promoters in the uk steve gladstone is this kids trainer and thinks its a great idea iska are happy with it and willing to help with it and the kid is good enough for it so if you havent got anything nice to say then please find a different page to hate on thanks ;) this was put up purely to find a serious oponent nothing more nothing less thankyou xxx
Posted: 2012-12-20 11:39:35
The Friendly Feritt
Posted: 2012-12-20 11:46:24
I did not know who this kid was and it is not all about that.As I said you can see how proud he is by the look on this face,is this a good thing, of course it is,not sure about how you are putting it across.

If one of our so called elite gyms is happy about this,then I am worried about the future direction of this sport,

Posted: 2012-12-20 12:14:31
Whether we agree or not this is again another case of the stupid arguments that come up on Ax. If there's an opponent out there for the lad then great.
Posted: 2012-12-20 12:17:38
well said promo
Posted: 2012-12-20 12:17:48
Thats a good call re bringing a thai 7 year old over for a couple of reasons

1. It shows you are actually prepared to go against potentially the very best (if a challenge is accepted from any random kid, the above posts will ring true)

2. if you do this it pretty much silences the critics that say the title is not worth anything

I think everyone has to realise that its all relative he will be A 7 YEAR OLD WORLD CHAMPION...... does that mean that there is not so much more growth left - NO, just a recognition that at HIS AGE he is the best at what he does.

Ive only seen this kid on video but looks very good for his age, will there be others in the country of similar ability maybe so

Think the important thing is that any champion must take challenges from the very best opponents available not just from face fits, popular gyms or ticket sellers - it is everyones duty to search out these very best challengers not just keep easy opponents in order to keep the title - this is my view is what makes a title worthless.

Regardless if these things are gonna happen lets get behind the little dude as if there is gonna be a 7 year old world champion wouldnt it be best if it was a british one ;-)

Good luck
Posted: 2012-12-20 12:28:55
lets not get too twisted about this topic guys- the ISKA, to my understanding, have only recently started sanctioning junior titles, so could possibly be trying to put some championships in place. its a great opportunity for a little guy who trains every day in his chosen sport, and should be allowed to reap some silverware? everybody that knows the sport, will know the reality of junior titles. There have been many junior world champion that have gone onto become Real adult champions(Iman Barlow being just 1( WKA junior world champion age 9), so please treat it as what it is and if it encourages a junior to become a future ADULT Champion, then i think it is a good thing.
Amir Subasic
Posted: 2012-12-20 13:07:12
Does that mean that no Kid in any sport should get GOLD or any sort or medal/belt at that age too??

It is good that kids train and have a aim at this young age and at least they will be structured in Life and KNOW that hard work will make them achieve their goals AND not grow up sitting on the sofa playing games being in the obese category AND claiming benefits at a later date.

In my Gym Tyler MUSTANG Dunnel won the ISKA Southern Area and on Saturday the ISKA English Title at 32.5kg in Muay Thai...on the next show he will be fighting for the British Title and so on - that is the natural progress and should be encouraged to happen in that certain order.
Now some kids/fighters are exceptionally good and if the title and fight is available then they can take that what?! It happens all over the World!!

The way I see it if they win it then whoever thinks they should not have it can challenge them :-)

When is the show please??
philip moxon
Posted: 2012-12-20 13:21:05
How olds Tyler ?
Posted: 2012-12-20 13:24:42
here here to uma semtex and amir i agree totally specially the end of yours amir if he wins it bring on the challenges by the way he was up for a british first before the european but kept getting offered 10 yr olds which would have been unfair but no one his age would fight him for it thats why we brought over cyprus who took the challenge the show is 9th of march amir thanks guys
Posted: 2012-12-20 13:30:00
Good luck to the kid as long as he is being looked after by the right trainer,s etc why not i wish him all the best :))
Amir Subasic
Posted: 2012-12-20 13:39:40
Tyler is 11!
Kru Shaun Boland
Posted: 2012-12-20 13:45:45
To be honest there was some really good young talent on this show and this young man was one of them.

Rules are in place regarding no head contact and the referees look after these kids.

Chock Dee!
Posted: 2012-12-20 13:52:47
well said shaun thank you ;) its not like a street fight ists all controlled ;)
philip moxon
Posted: 2012-12-20 14:20:29
Cheers amir
nathan touchgloves
Posted: 2012-12-20 15:41:29
good luck to both x
Posted: 2012-12-20 16:10:39
kids will be putting gloves on in the cot soon. total respect to the young fella. but world title at 7 govening body is a joke to sanction it but hey they would sanction two flys on a wall for a title for a few quid. good luck to the youngsters most will get heart broken when there find there not as good as they have been lead to beleave
Posted: 2012-12-21 08:34:49
In my opinion there are only a hand fall of kids that are worthy of a European or world title shots currently in this country and they are:

Thai Barlow
Evan Jays
Harley (sorry do not no last name)
Kailan Laithwatite

There are loads of good juniors coming through the ranks but give them time. The above mentioned kids are all current British champs I think and are always a joy to watch.

Do you rate Riley as highly as these kids they all have been competing for a long time at top level.

Have you have got any of the above matched at your show for a European or World title ?
Paul McGowan
Posted: 2012-12-21 08:47:36
Hi Delina...good luck with everything!!.....I dont post to much on Ax but couldnt help wanting to put a view over on this because i love seeing threads about all the up and coming young fighters...

speaking as a dad who's son holds 3 junior World titles i have say that while we are all really proud of our Daniel's achievments in the sport which he has been doing since he was 7yrs old (hes now nearly 17) He himself will tell you that The World title that he 1st won last October which was against a Thai lad flown over from BKK was the one that he treasures the most...because it was against a Thai national who'd had treble the fight experience and was a really tough lad but not ranked in any of the top stadiums!!! He will also tell you that all the best fights and best achievments he has been involved in are the ones in Thailand that were in the stadiums for nothing more than 2000bht ha ha!! if your looking for the best you will only find them in 1 place IMO and thats Thailand!!....
Also you might find fights for this young lad very hard to come by when people start to hear he is or fought for a World title we no this from our experience with Daniel so please think about long term its great to be a World title holder at 7yrs old but if hes having very little fight experience after that then its obviously defeating the whole object of progression and frustration on his part will start to set in, again i no from experience just how fed up a fighter can get when he isnt competing!!

Hope you dont mind my little input lol
Again best of luck with how you go forward im sure we will get over and support your show :))

P.S would you email me on and i will pass on your details to our Daniel as he has a couple of really good up and coming kids in his class which he runs out of Northampton...there ready for interclubs and first fights
many thanks
Neil Gribbon
Posted: 2012-12-21 10:19:22
Good post Mcgowan. Your son is a class act.
the list above of top junior fighters should also mention Keith machlachlans son Corey. He is around 10 yrs old and has had 38 fights, I saw him in action a few weeks ago and he is absolute quality. Has the timing and ring craft to go in with any kid his age and do well.
The future for juniors in the UK MT scene is very bright.
Posted: 2012-12-21 10:24:16
Agreed Neil, Corey is one to mention he is class, as is Daniel. He was not mentioned as he is no longer a junior.
Paul McGowan
Posted: 2012-12-21 10:34:30
Thanks guys very kind of you to say that...and yeah big year for Dan next year ..he's got a nice settled weight now so definately moving up into 52+kg adult weight class next year as well as couple of big opportunities coming up in Thailand again Finger crossed :)) ...Merry christmas to you all!!
Posted: 2012-12-21 11:05:46
Have you a DVD available from your last show?
Posted: 2012-12-21 11:46:07
I have a lad who will fight him :)
steve p
Posted: 2012-12-25 09:39:26
jordan gale 32kg chaos one to watch 2013 beat some top kids this year he has beat corey. sammy luxton 50kg 13yrs 17fts most active junior girl 2012 beat top fighters . both looking for big name fights 2013
Posted: 2012-12-27 16:54:19
tbf to corey he is 2 years younger than jordan n tht showed in their fight, not to take anything away from jordan who is a crackin fighter
Posted: 2013-01-03 11:06:15
So how old is corey now then any one
Posted: 2013-01-03 18:18:47
Posted: 2013-01-04 06:13:06
thanks ;)
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