Topic:Suspension Trainers
Suspension Trainers
TRX, Rip 60 etc etc - who's using them and what do you think, compared to traditional forms of resistance training?
Compared to resistance training they are useless. Weight training with barbells and dumbbells doesn't compare to resistance trainers. Resistance trainers offer body weight resistance training improving stability and core strength. As do free weights.
My secret weapon, how I gained and maintained my useable strength, and a major reason why I am always injury free. The TRX is the best bit of gym kit bar none, in my opinion.
I was the UK's first importer of the TRX after the inventors saw me fight at the Arnold Classic. They gave me one, I loved it, couldn't believe the effect it had on me, first class. Too hard to sell though lol, so I gave up selling them.
Brilliant bit of kit. IMO blows away traditional resistance training hands down. You can't do with weights what you can achieve with a TRX...
ive noticed that smiler ref injury free
Yes we have 10 at our gym, but not TRX as it would of cost me £1500, instead £400 from
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