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Topic:Periodisation Of Muay Thai Technique Training
Don Heatrick
Posted: 2013-07-22 15:38:12

I’ve come across an interesting periodisation model while reviewing a classic article from the NSCA Strength and Conditioning Journal, “A Theoretical Model of Strength Training” by Stone, Bryant et al. And I thought I’d share it with you as it helps Thai boxers picture how their training should be structured approaching a fight.

I've written a short article you can take a look at:
Periodisation Of Muay Thai Technique Training
Posted: 2013-07-25 20:56:04
Don - briefly can you explain the graph- seems to be that people actually up the frequency/volume prior fights , which is not what the above suggests. Pleased to hear thanks
Don Heatrick
Posted: 2013-07-30 17:56:05
Hawkman, further from the fight the volume of training is higher but the intensity is lower. As the fight approaches the volume of training decreases, but conversely the intensity increases.

You end up with focused, shorter, INTENSE training sessions closer to the fight. The work/rest intervals also become more specific to those of the fight.

Technical training starts less specific, looking at individual techniques and then evolves into opponent specific tactical combinations and strategy for the fight. I've added more detail regarding the technical aspect in the article.

I hope that helps?

Best regards,
Posted: 2013-07-31 07:38:59
agree thats the way it should be but a lot of people will go mad upping volume and intensity prior fights eg take 4-6 weeks go to thailand. and train the "thai way" which is not v scientific, i think you'd
Don Heatrick
Posted: 2013-07-31 17:27:20
I agree, not scientific. The objective is to manipulate training volume and intensity to ensure constant progression. You must apply the MINIMUM amount to achieve a physical adaptation, then up it just enough to get a further improvement and so-on.

If you set the bar too close to ceiling too early on, then you'll soon have no where to go! The idea is to keep progressing continuously, not plateau and get stuck.

I've explained more on this in a previous short article:

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