They have done my nut in.
I have a bmw, it started smoking at front of the engine. white smoke was pouring out.
Its been parked for 6 months charged the battery,it makes the noise it wants to start but it wont.
Used easy start in the air in take, started then cut out with white smoke coming out again. air in take.
went to a few mechanics all had diff opinions:
your exaust is gone.
you need a new turbo.
your pistons are gone.
you need a new engine!!
you have a electical fault, checked out electrics were fine from a friend but hes to busy.
Any info or advice
its a diesel.
what year and model?
most bmw's nowadays have such elaborate on-board control /system checks, accessed via the stick and switch on the left of the steering wheel , that you should never have these problems. what does the computer say (unless you don't have one)
its a 54 plate 3 series, nothing special
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