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dirk stal
Posted: 2003-06-21 09:16:13
Gerrie Hoogeveen is an old friend of Peter Smit,today he send me some great pictures of the old days.Gerrie was an amazing fighter,but he must stopped his career at the age of 25,because he was operated on his back 2 times.Gerrie was a member of Budokai Vleesenbeek and he was also a view times member of the Dutch kyokushin team,he haved fought a lot of great fighters.
dirk stal
Posted: 2003-06-21 09:17:56

Peter Smit and Gerrie Hoogeveen.
dirk stal
Posted: 2003-06-21 09:19:34

Peter Smit,Andre v/d Linden and Gerrie Hoogeveen.
dirk stal
Posted: 2003-06-21 09:21:24

Shihan Jan Vleesenbeek and Gerrie Hoogeveen.
dirk stal
Posted: 2003-06-21 09:23:37

Gerrie Hoogeveen and Peter Smit.
dirk stal
Posted: 2003-06-21 09:25:03

Summercamp papendal in 1986.
dirk stal
Posted: 2003-06-21 09:26:29

Peter Smit,Gerrie Hoogeveen and Robbie Kroonen.
dirk stal
Posted: 2003-06-21 09:38:22

Rinus van Hemert,Gerrie Hoogeveen,Peter Smit and Arnold Goossens,four members of Budokai Vleesenbeek.
dirk stal
Posted: 2003-06-21 09:43:16

Gerrie Hoogeveen vs Michel Wedel.
dirk stal
Posted: 2003-06-21 09:45:44

Gerrie Hoogeveen in action.
dirk stal
Posted: 2003-06-21 09:47:21

Gerrie Hoogeveen and his shihan Jan Vleesenbeek.
dirk stal
Posted: 2003-06-21 09:49:11

Gerrie Hoogeveen vs Frank Lobman.
dirk stal
Posted: 2003-06-21 09:51:48

Peter Smit,Andre v/d Linden and Gerrie Hoogeveen.
dirk stal
Posted: 2003-06-21 09:53:21

Gerrie Hoogeveen and Peter Smit.
dirk stal
Posted: 2003-06-21 15:29:20

Training with Kim Rademakers.
dirk stal
Posted: 2003-06-21 15:30:57

Versus Frank Lobman.
dirk stal
Posted: 2003-06-21 15:33:14

Gerrie his two sons in the Budokai Vleesenbeek.
dirk stal
Posted: 2003-06-21 15:35:01

Training on a seminar with Frank Lobman.
Posted: 2003-06-22 16:04:51
WWWWWWWWWWHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa well done dirk i love when you and oliver open your picture treasure box what great photos of another one of dutch legends well done and all the best from aussieland OSU
Brazilian rookie
Posted: 2003-06-22 17:09:52
It's very cool see the old boys! I feel the atmosphere, awesome!
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2003-06-23 02:12:45

Great great pictures Dirk.

I Like this picture above, because the two first fighter from left to right are both my old sensei. (Today they both are shihan)

First from left is Shihan Klaus Rex, who earlier this year accomplish the 100 men kumite test in Spain. 2nd from left is Shihan Jan Bülow. 3rd is Flemming Jinsen, also a Danish Kyokushin karate-ka, and one of the best in the world ever to make bottle-cut, tameshiwari.

Fleming Jinsen has been fighting Michel Wedel in the finale in Kyokushin Dutch Open back in the good old 80´s. So has Jan Bülow at the 4th World Open in 1987. Both of them lost to Wedel on KO. Klaus Rex was fighting Andy Hug at the European Knock Down championship back in 1985 in the semifinal, so they are all very strong fighters – some of the best ever in Danish Kyokushin history.

Great pictures Dirk, keep them coming!
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2003-06-23 02:17:01

Sempai Fleming Jinsen doing bottle cut with 4 bottles!!! (All 4 bottles is still standing!)
Brazilian rookie
Posted: 2003-06-23 03:34:21
Hey Oliver, I saw a pic of Mas Oyama doing the same, but with one bottle... I think your hand have to be really fast, to break the neck and the bottle still standing...

And I red in internet that Oyama broke the horn of a bull, it's true?

My master is a former karateka (Shotokan) and he says in the past he can broke a large piece of wood, with fist...

It's hard to a non karateka understand how a person can broke things like that...

Another time I saw a pic of a kyokushin guy broken a lot of baseball woods (what the name is english? lol), with the shin!

It's true?

And what is a sensei, sempai and shihan?

Sensei = master?
Sempai = great master?
Shiham = ???

Thank you!
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2003-06-23 04:18:28

Sosai Mas Oyama doing bottlecut.
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2003-06-23 04:18:56

Mas Oyama fighting a bull.
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2003-06-23 04:20:55

Shihan Ryoama breaking 4 baseball with his shin.
dirk stal
Posted: 2003-06-23 10:25:37

First from left is Shihan Klaus Rex. 2nd from left is Shihan Jan Bülow. 3rd is Flemming Jinsen and the others are Peter Smit,Gerrie Hoogeveen and Robbie Kroonen,all three are from Dordrecht and members of Budokai Vleesenbeek and all three members of the Dutch national kyokushin team.

dirk stal
Posted: 2003-06-24 16:53:13

dirk stal
Posted: 2003-06-24 16:54:23

dirk stal
Posted: 2003-06-25 10:48:31

dirk stal
Posted: 2003-06-25 10:49:14

dirk stal
Posted: 2003-06-25 10:49:57

dirk stal
Posted: 2003-06-25 10:50:43

shihan jan vleesenbeek
dirk stal
Posted: 2003-06-25 10:51:33

an old opponent hedwig lobman
Posted: 2003-06-25 11:14:48
I'm just curious, was Gerrie Hoogeveen born with the tatoos?!! :)
Great Pics
dirk stal
Posted: 2003-06-25 15:40:17

Dutch championship kyokushin karate in 1983 in Schiedam,Gerrie Hoogeveen is the second from the right,the fourth from the left is Erik Constancia and next to him is Koen Scharrenberg.
dirk stal
Posted: 2003-06-25 17:00:41

dirk stal
Posted: 2003-06-25 17:01:24

dirk stal
Posted: 2003-06-25 17:02:04

dirk stal
Posted: 2003-06-25 17:02:36

dirk stal
Posted: 2003-06-25 17:06:05

dirk stal
Posted: 2003-06-25 17:06:36

dirk stal
Posted: 2003-06-25 17:07:23

dirk stal
Posted: 2003-06-25 17:08:25

dirk stal
Posted: 2003-06-25 17:09:14

David Lucas
Posted: 2003-06-25 20:01:05
dirk im curious to know what they are up to in the 8th pic before the last
when they look like they are falling down a hill. ????
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2003-06-26 01:17:06
Again... Great pictures Dirk!
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