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Roger Deaton
Posted: 2003-06-29 12:44:47
k-1 06/29 results; only 13,600 paid- credit to Zack Arnold.

HIROSHI wins by decision over Manabu in Freshmen Fight.

K-1 GP : Tomihara defeats Aoyagi by 3-0 judges decision.

K-1 GP : Hayashi defeats Oishi by ko in 1st round with straight right.

K-1 GP : Hori defeats Nakamura by ko in 2nd round from high kick.

K-1 GP : Amada defeats TSUYOSHI by 2-0 judges decision.

Ivan Salaverry and Hiroki Kuroswa fought to a draw.

Musashi defeats Montanha Silva by dq in 2nd round.

Shingo Koyasu defeats Azem Muksutaj by 3-0 decision, said to be somewhat stunning considering Azem's record.

Butterbean defeats Yusuke Fujimoto in 1st round in just over a minute by ko with hook shots described as looking like lariats.

TOA defeats pro wrestler Manabu Nakinishi by ko from right hooks in 1 minute 38 seconds. After the match, Shibata challnged K-1 fighters. Bob Sapp and TOA also had a "confrontation."

Peter Aerts defeats Tsuyoshi Nakasako in 2nd round by ko from right high kick,

Roger Deaton
Posted: 2003-06-29 13:19:24
Oh yeah- Shibata is a 2nd-generation pro wrestler with the New Japan Pro Wrestling promotion, and yet another guy who has no business anywhere near a K-1 ring. Especially when it is becoming painfully clear that a mix of mma and pro wrestling will not sell tickets.
Posted: 2003-06-29 15:07:26
What kind of 'confrontation' are we talking about between Bob Sapp and Toa? Was it a WWE style set up? Scary if that's the case! Sounds like all the fears people have expressed about K-1 going WWE might be coming to pass. It would be ok if they ran the 'Beast' thing as a separate competition as has been discussed elsewhere - it will destroy K-1 as the world's premiere Kickboxing event otherwise.
Roger Deaton
Posted: 2003-06-29 17:24:46
I haven't seen the show yet, those are just the reported results. They have allways planned a Beast vs. Beast match with Sapp and TOA. So- it is a safe bet that it was 100% "pro wrestling" than actual heat between the two. You can see how tickets they sold above doing this kind of show. A real bomb. Not even the Japanese crowds want to see this kind of hybrid show.
Posted: 2003-06-29 17:33:37
My bet about Aerts in 2-nd round by ko was right :)

Unicorn goes to pump up his self-esteem :)) (j/k)
David Lucas
Posted: 2003-06-29 21:06:11
aerts' first high kick ko since 98!
Posted: 2003-06-29 21:23:57
i guess 13,600 is not bad for sales considering how bad the show was.

it looks like the matchmakers have lost their nerve. they want kingi and esch to win their respective fights so they arrange it. i wasn't surprised to see kingi's opponent take a dive [he's a fake-wrestler after all] but fujimoto was a bit of a shock.

the silva-musashi match was embarrassing to watch. silva couldn't hit anything and looked hurt by musashi's punches. what is going to happen when he meets someone who has the power to punch through wet toilet paper?

the ref made a bad call against azem so to fix things he made a bad call against shingo. how dumb is that? this fight was decided by and illegal elbow that azem cut shingo with in the first round.

aerts gave the spectators what they paid for, an ass kicking. nak now can claim that he was knocked out by every k-1 grand prix champ except cikatic. i think we should get branko to come out of retirement and give him a royal flush.

the 2 knockdown rule was in effect for all the fights. dumb dumb dumb.

my advice to the k-1 is to use the sideshow freaks as a sideshow. if i can see lebanner-sefo, i don't mind a kingi-silva match on the same card. it is like a little spice. you wouldn't serve a house guest a plate of salt and pepper, would you? no. you put spices on a meal. this show had no meat.
Posted: 2003-06-29 22:10:21
Paul Kingi's opponent admitted in an interview on Japanese tv that he does not know how to punch or kick as he is a wrestler and hasn't competed in a striking tournament before.

Good choice of opponent for Paul. An easy one first up. Who is TOA fighting next?

I'd like to see him against Le Banner or Hoost. If he defeats someone 'good' (i.e. someone who can punch and kick) then I will give him credit.


Posted: 2003-06-29 22:16:22
You the man when it comes to saying it like it is!
Fujimoto was no shock though Dude Musashi told me he was very nervous about fighting buterbean right from the word go.
Posted: 2003-06-30 03:00:27
who has the power to punch through wet toilet paper?

Now thats a good one, Felix. LOL

Silva is a chump, I bet Brasil has to have better fighters than him.
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2003-06-30 03:24:33

..."what is going to happen when he meets someone who has the power to punch through wet toilet paper?"...

Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2003-06-30 03:32:03

..." My advice to the k-1 is to use the sideshow freaks as a sideshow. if i can see lebanner-sefo, i don't mind a kingi-silva match on the same card. it is like a little spice. you wouldn't serve a house guest a plate of salt and pepper, would you? no. you put spices on a meal. this show had no meat...."

Keep them coming Felix, LOL!!
Posted: 2003-06-30 03:34:24
Silva is a chump, I bet Brasil has to have better fighters than him.

stick him in the k-1 brazil tournament with jefferson, feitosa, arias and a few kyokushin converts and watch him go down faster than cold beer. maybe we can make him wear a tutu so he can feel as ashamed of himself as we are ashamed of his techniques.
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2003-06-30 03:38:48
.."and watch him go down faster than cold beer"...

Stop it or I am going to change my underpants! This has turned out to be a funny Monday - Great!
Posted: 2003-06-30 03:50:26
you might be able to see a red mark on butterbean's chest. fujimoto kicked him in the tit and left a bruise. LOL.
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2003-06-30 04:04:13

How was Toa, was he good? He seems fit on the pictures.

(Boxing skills, kicks, defends etc...Please tell). I have heard that he is no better than Bob Sapp, but I dont belive that! Someone please tell, thanks.
Posted: 2003-06-30 04:28:27
he makes bob sapp look like muhammad ali. that's no joke. it isn't even a question of whether or not he was bad. it is a question of how bad he was. he is soooo bad that michael jackson will have to rewrite the song. not only that, jackson can look in the mirror at his nose and say "it's not that bad". here a guy who can enter the ring and change the dictionary meaning of the word "bad". the only good thing you can say is that silva was just as bad.

bring back bannon! bring back bannon!

that is how bad he was. i'd rather see that gay porn star fight again than kingi.

if he fights any k-1 journeymen, the other side of his face will turn blue from the bruising.
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2003-06-30 05:14:04
Ok, Toa is bad!

How is possible to be that bad?
Posted: 2003-06-30 05:25:15
I thought Fujimoto looked genuinely hurt from that knockdown. He seemed to get hit on the neck by Butterbean's forearm and when he stood up he was shaking. It was a shame it ended so quickly because Fujimoto was looking quite sharp with his kicks.
133681 : more pics to the "show"

Paul T
Posted: 2003-06-30 07:28:05
Paul T
Posted: 2003-06-30 07:45:51
Felix and anyone else hat was there:

forget all the side shows, my quesion is;
How was Kuroswa?? how was his kickboxing skills?
He is a Kyokushin Legend and i have never seen
him do glove fighting. thank you!
Posted: 2003-06-30 07:48:36
Paul T- that match was not covered on Japanese TV.
133697 : Kuroswa

Paul T
Posted: 2003-06-30 09:04:09
okay. thank you.
probably the best match
Posted: 2003-06-30 09:31:50
i've seen a few of his gloved matches but most are unimpressive. he started boxing pretty late and doesn't have a sense for it. he had kevin rooney in his corner for the kakuda fight. didn't help. he neither blocked nor bobbed.

he did beat kenji kusatsu in 2000 i think but he was so green he looked like kermit the frog and the incredible hulk's love child.

anyway, the fight last weekend ended in a draw.

personally, i don't see kurosawa as a fighter but as a potential teacher and trainer for future talent. he might also make a pretty decent referee.
Posted: 2003-06-30 09:40:29
According to the K1 site, Kurosawa's record is 3-4-2 in K1.
Paul T
Posted: 2003-06-30 11:44:19
thanks for the information!

Kurosawa was an Awesome knockdown fighter
- maybe he will not make a transition
to Kickboxing. I have seen his Knockdown
rules fight w/ Kakuda in Pride FC # 6,
but never saw the K-1 fight. I am assuming
Kakuda did much better in that one ;-0
Posted: 2003-06-30 19:41:57
Kurosawa was great at Kyokushin wich to me was a sport I never understood,what I mean is how could you take a fight style created for gradings(10 man kumite etc) and to introduce beginers to sparring and make a sport out of it I think
Mas Oyama was a sly old dog and created his style so the Japanese could have a
strangle hold on his world title every 4 years therefor it would be easy to promote in Japan and would be turned into dollars for himself.
If his style had head punching (like K1 today)there may have never been a Japanese champion(like K1 today).It is a shame people get sucked into this cult
like martial art wich charges high fees in Japan for training and gives very little back also I read Camron Quins book on oyama and to be honest what a lot of bullshit.
For example Yama Training when really he was on the run from the police(out in the hills)for hurting people while doing enforcer work for local yakusa(for money).
Even today It is very common for Yakusa to use mostly people from Iran etc(and other illigeal imigrints) to do there dirty work so it is very concivable they would use a large japanese speaking KOREAN national to do the same.
Kyokushin students even if they have all the best intensions in the world start of at a disadvantage in training and in code as it is all a bunch of bullshit.
I love Karate 100% but karate sensais are a guide and nothing else. OSU!
Posted: 2003-06-30 20:18:47

It's a shame you have low opinions of Kyokushin and Sosai, but that's your right.

I do agree with you it that there are some dark sides to Kyokushin, but no more than there are with K-1, Boxing etc.

If you think that Kyokushin style fighting is not a good sport then why did you compete in the New Zealand Kyokushin Nationals a few years ago?

I can't remember how you did, was it third place?

Posted: 2003-07-01 01:58:15
For experiance and k1 & Boxing are not martial arts I do not have a low opinion of Mas Oyama he did create something great because befor K1 the world
tournament was the greatest martial arts tournament perhaps even breaking headway for such promotions as K1 etc I just dont like some of the cult like
aspects and bullshit self promotion not uncommon to prowrestling etc and then
package it in a substandard martial art.I belive in practical aplication not
Godhand Mumbo Jumbo and fighting Doped up bears and breaking half melted Ice
slabs etc etc etc.I love Karate it is truly a great and beautiful thing which
changed my life it belongs to know one but the individual.
Sensis are guides on a path nothing else a means to a ends thats all.
Oyama said"Aitai wa kame sama ja nai yo" wich means your advisary is not god
words that have inspired me in many battles but they are relevent to himself also.
Posted: 2003-07-01 02:08:20


i think you mean-
aite wa kamisama ja nai yo.

i think you wrote
the one you want to meet is not a turtle.
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2003-07-01 02:09:29


I have seen almost All Kurosawas Kyokushin fights in karate, from All Japan to World Open in 1987, 1991 and 1995. I have been speaking with Kurosawa many times. Kurosawa was also the first to tell me about the sudden death of the late Andy Hug, only hours after his past away.

Hiroki Kurosawa is one of the biggest and best fighters ever in the history of Kyokushin knock down karate, he had a heart and spirit that where 2nd to none, he could give and take to the sun turned black, always very dedicated and in absolute top shape.

But the K-1 is another backyard, at it is easy to say and see that it is not Kurosawas. First of all I have to agree with Felix above, Hiroki don’t have any boxing skills. Everybody that have seen Kurosawa fight in karate knows that he has leg as strong as iron, and everybody who have seen Kurosawa fight with gloves knows that his chin not is made of the same materiel.

Kurosawa did fight Kakuda twice in less than a year. First under karate rules (see picture above), and the 2nd time under K-1 rules. Kurosawa won the first fight under karate rules and lost the 2nd under K-1 rules.

Today Kurosawa is old, but still new young members of Kyokushin knows him and respect him for his amazing skills and heart, simply for being a champion.

Legend is the right words Paul!

Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2003-07-01 02:13:32

Hiroki Kurosawa
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2003-07-01 02:34:38

Kurosawa fighting in Pride 1, the biggest mistake ever in Kurosawas career. Kurosawa broke his kneecap and went threw two big knee surgeries, after his fight against this crazy Russian who almost paralyzed Kurosawa for life. It took Kurosawa a year of rehabilitation just to learn to walk

It tells a little about his spirit and heart, even do my personal opinion is that his should stop his career. His age, prime and health is over the hill.
Posted: 2003-07-01 08:29:04
You are correct my romaji sucks but my Japanese was learnt on the
streets of nagoya and osaka not in the class room gomen ne!
I hope people understand my attitude towards Kyokushin etc its not because I
dislike karate its that I love it and hate to see people spoil it for others.
I fought Noji where did he come last world tournament maybe Felix or Oliver knows.(that fight was a draw but I was ripped off I won every round except the last)
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2003-07-02 01:45:01
Noji was doing very well at the 7th IKO1 Kyokushin World Open November 5th, 6th, back in 1999.

Noji became 7 after loosing in the semifinals to Glaube Feitosa, in a very tuff and even fight. Ryuta Noji defeated the strong Brazilian Sergio Da Costa on his way to the semifinals, properly one of the best fights in the 7th World Open.

I have nothing but respect for Noji, in karate and in the K-1. Noji is a born fighter, the more it hurts the more he fights. He might not be the best technical fighter in the world, but he is sure giving all he got every time he fights. The man got heart and spirit like a lion.
Posted: 2003-07-02 01:58:26
shame he isn't in the k-1 japan this year.


normally, i wouldn't correct someone's romaji but i do make exceptions when it is funny. a japanese girl once thinking she was inviting to visit her house as often as i liked said "you can come over me any time." after an uncomfortable silence, i laughed my ass off. then explained. it turned out she really was a slut. hehe.
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2003-07-02 06:40:14

Posted: 2003-07-02 20:51:23

I know you fought against Noji Ryuta, I don't think you were ripped off, it looked like a draw to me. I don't think he is a great fighter but he's not too bad. I saw him fight against Musashi in Kyokushin's Ichi-geki tournament in Japan... he looked average, or maybe he had a bad day.


Posted: 2003-07-02 21:08:37
did you see the whole 5 rounds?
Oliver Sperling
Posted: 2003-07-03 00:29:38
I think that Noji did very well against Musashi!

You have to keep in mind, that it was only Noji 3rd or 4th fight in the K-1, he has never been fighting with gloves before, and Musashi has had something between 39-40 fights under K-1 rules, at the time the fight took place.

I am not saying this to defend Noji or to make the fight better than it was, but to be fair for Noji… I mean the man is green in this game, and still he gave Musashi 5 rounds of even fighting.
Posted: 2003-07-03 04:42:34
Sorry Oliver, but on the whole scale of things, Musashi is a K-1 joke. He's nothing. How can he even get fights in the K-1? because he's Japanese. The Japanese have yet to have a decent fighter in the K-1. Satake was good when K-1 was not so popular but then he started losing when all the foreign muscle power began entering.

Posted: 2003-07-04 19:40:23
You are a dreamer I won 4 of 5 rounds the only reason I got knackerd in the 5 was because of all the work I put in to the first 4 ,got hit with nothing until the last 20 secounds and honestly the was more fatige than
anything else and also if you want to judge it Karate style or K1 tournament style I gave him the hell fright in the first and third but all credit to him
for being tough he is the only one who can take a spinning back hand full noise
get rocked and stay on his feet UNBELIVABLE!Not to mention two jumping knees in the face countless full power body kicks and I dont know how many right straights.(I think Nojis team (Kyokushin)thought I would be easy)
As for Musashi being a joke he is the best in japan and he has proved many many times and I sparr with he is good so is Amada dont ever write them off
and I have sparred lots from Fujimtoto to Andy, Satake to Suttie and many more.
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