Karbi-Krabong Pic
heres some pics of what i have found of MT's other half
Thai "wooden elbow" with a blade added
I wonder if anyone has had a few lessons? Or is this part of MT history?
chris form what i know theres some "white swan school" or something in thailand that teaches this and form a book the Thai goverment has standerized it in the 30's and put it in there collages as "foke arts" but from other things i've read people eather say Muay Thai is part of Krabi-krabong or vice versa or there both seprate but are part of Thai Martial arts as a whole or something. any ways if any one has some more info post it cuse i don't know a hole heack of alot about it. but there are some videos of it on the Dogborthers website.
it is Part Of Muay-Thai History !
Bhudda Swan Institute is one Place too !
thats the one Bhudda swan institute
and Sandy have you trained in some?
The Baton/knife "thai elbow" thing was realy cool..
Any more pics of the gear?
oh ya if ya got pics put them on
acualy that Wooden elbow is worn like boxing gloves
the blades run down your fore arms with the strap there straped to your arm near your elbow and you grab the first handle with the other one as a gard
Just the Stick / Sword ! Dhab !
Really Enjoyed it 1
Ive never thought about using or traing with weopons becuase they are still banned in Ontario where i live..Its hard to purchase swords or other sharp martial arts gear...Even MT is restricted here..
well i think they pratice with sticks to (is that right sandy)
yes, Thats how you Practice for the Sword, live blade training ! Both Enjoyable !
this is were ya can get the Video to Krabi-Krabong and some Kali stuff,
theres the wooden elbows
some weponds of KK
That wooden elbow with blade was definitely a nasty looking weapon.
Krabi-Krabong appears to be similar to an art I first saw in a martial arts mag called Scrimia / Nova Scrimia (the evolution of the tradition). Which can basically be called the "Italian Art of Dueling." It includes fencing / dueling swords, stickfighting, knifes / blades, and empty-hand defense. www.novascrimia.com if interested in checking it out.
Go Here, theres a load of info about Krabi Krabong. Also if anyone went to the 'Amazing Thailand Festival' you could have seen two of the teachers from the Buddhai Sawan, Arjarn Sira and his brother.
they also taught as well for £15 a day (that was for 4-5 hours of training in the really hot sun that burn the living daylight out of you) and I think that it was £30 if you was going to train for three days straight.
cool, how is it to learn?
its hard at first and takes it out of you alot more than muaythai.get past your first few lessons and it becomes more natural.better training with a parner (as long as its not pestlett :0P)
Buddhai Sawan also teaches Muay Boran/Muay Karrcherkk.
also check out this months fighters magazine for the Thai festival pestlett mentions above, theres a two page spread with both our mug shots on it!(watch out wh smiths theres now going to be a influx of ladies begging for a fighters mag lol!!!)
erm...yea what mike said, except for the bit about me, im a brilliant partner to train with its just i get carried away a bit of enthusiasm never hurt anyone, well in my case it did but still
LOL yeah Kevs still in the feild were the festival was looking for his fingers!!!
got to be sharp in krabi-krbong eh ha ha....oh man that was lame..
lol dont give up thst day job!
lol dont give up that day job!oopps
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