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Posted: 2003-07-01 10:12:38
Farhad writes:

but without the minimum kick rule and the boots,...
then it simply wouldnt be FC would it?
just imagine,...
2 FC figthers fighting in 1. shorts,.. 2. bare feet Miminum kick rule,...
what would we have,... a lot of the time it would look like International rules,.. but with no leg kicks?
remove the boots and remove the kick count,.. then it may as well be low kick

Well, yes and no. I suppose we could reasonably
call it "modified" full contact, kind of like "modified" Muay Thai
without elbows, is definitley "modified".

i mean you still have the above waist only kicks. So none of the essential fighting techniques are changed at all.

So,I guess I don't fully understand what would be so wrong (bad)
with simply letting the individual fighter decide if he wants to wear the boots, and long pants or not. To me, it would still be full contact.
Yes? no?

as for the minimum kick rule, from what I have learned from the FC guys in
this thread, is that in most cases the 8 kicks per round come naturally anyway.. So,
how's the game gonna be totally ruined by simply not punishing a guy who
decides for strategic reasons NOT to throw 8 kicks in a round?

I don't think you could call it international rules, even though the attire
is identical. unless the attire is somehow very important culturally and estheticallly, to FC people-the way a mongkwon (head ring) and praciats
(arm bands) are to Muy Thai practioners.(items they take off before
they fight.
I thought the boots were to simply protect the feet? not
essential simply because they are part of a tradional uniform?
Smiler made me understand that some people really need the boots.
but why make somedody wear them who had rather not?

A word About the Thai "purists":

some places just won't let us do elbows because of local laws. so we have "modified" Thai.
but, Thai purists hate "modified" Thai. I prefer the elbows too,
but I can be flexible enough to still enjoy it modifed. And I don't
agree with those that argue that "no elbows" = "no Thai". If it aint
Muay Thai what is it? it certainly isn't FC or international rules?

By the same token full contact with the option of wearing
shorts, no shoes and no minimum kicks,
you still have above the waist only kickboxing-so all your
essential fighting techiques are unchanged.


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