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Posted: 2004-07-09 02:20:12
The average Joe on the street likes to see women fight more than men. because he can't fight and so he cant relate to male fighters whom he often finds intimidating -but, he can identify with women who are smaller, a bit slower, closer to his strength, and have dont possess overwhelming (to him) power. He likes to wonder if he could possible hang with them in the ring-because he feels(usually mistakenly) that it might actually be achievable.

but, he knows full well he would be totally destroyed by even the smallest male pro.

It seems most of the guys who really dislike women fighting are
usually fighters themselves. And they think because they are faster, bigger and stronger, that they are therefore "better".

In other words, they think that Just because they can beat a woman using their superior size, speed, strength, etc.

But, By that logic, 52-55 kg male fighters are not as "good" as 95 kg and up/super heavyweights-simply because the best male flyweight in the world could not beat even a mediocre super heavyweight.

the same principle is at work for women's pro tennis. most men who hate womens pro tennis (or any female pro sport except maybe figure skating) are the top male players.

the average Joe often prefers to watch the women because he likes to speculate and wonder if he might actually be able to return her 80-90 mph

But, a male pro's 120-130 mph serve-forget-it psychologically overwhelms him. he cant even see it, and can't possibly relate.

bigger doesnt always mean better-


PS: Good for you, Highlander!!!-three minute rounds is a great step forward for the ladies.

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