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Mark L.
Posted: 2005-06-23 19:03:51
No, but I'm learning and have gotten much healthier when I stopped listening to docs and started learning and applying health.

What I'm trying to do is show that there is more than one way of thinking. We are programmed to go to a doc when we get sick.

I've studied with the Colgan Institute and some with the Cory Holly Institute and I am starting studies with the CHEK Institute.

I like them all and they don't all agree 100%. But following some of their ways of thinking and advice my health has improved dramtically.

I think there is a time and place for a 'doc'. But I think we've become a society that relies on everyone else and are not reponsible for anything. We want a quick fix and we want someone else to do it.

I also strongly believe that many things are influenced by the almightly dollar and I will keep looking and learning and trying things out.

But the proof is in the pudding.

My health improved when I stopped listening to the docs (stopped taking what they were giving me), stoppped going for tests etc and started working on health.

I have seen the effects on others as well.

I also do think that CHEK and Colgan etc are a less biased source and though they have a different approach I think their buisnesses will succeed if people get healthier through what they say as opposed to buisness succeeding due to sickness.

I am no expert and I do pass on a lot that I have to look up. But through the process I have learned and do have my own ideas and thoughts. I share to learn better for myself and I think that its good enough stuff that if it helps someone great.

If you don't think that article is well researched and backed up share your thoughts.


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