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Brad Wall
Posted: 2005-07-06 12:32:59
Eagle Knee I disagree with the following statment "CAKMA wants total control of the industry in Canada". CAKMA from what I see wants to host quality events. CAKMA doesn't sanction the cards they just promote them. The last event was sanctionced by the IKF and WKA from what I understand.
It is sad that the community of Calgary can't support it's fighters like they once could having to be forced out of comission jurisdictions.

Ballkick made some very good points that tell us more of the situation. I just hope that Mr. Boswell will answer the questions above. My questions is Why does Mr. Boswell have what seems to be such hostility towards some people?Especially National members and supporters? In the big picture we are all supporters of Muay Thai are we not? Atleast I hope so.

If we are going to improve the sport we need to work together.

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