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Martin H
Posted: 2005-09-23 04:57:25
*frankly,i cannot see any difference as some of my friends (ashihara, kyokushin of course )say that there is difference ...they use the same technics when they go into fight ...

The difference between ashihara, seidokaikan and kyokushin (and other kyokushin derivatives) are usualy very minor details in techniques -easy to miss in cometitions. Sometime the difference seems to be more in the order in which they are learned than in the actual execution.
The real difference is usualy in the kata.
In fighting they/we are all almost identical.

Sometimes the only differences are from politics and rivalries.

*at this point i disagree since %90 of the fight technics are similiar to muay thai (even (if i amnot mistaken) the so-called seikens (punches) are also very similiar to the thai technics and are very far from shotokan and goju-ryu(combined styles)...)

Well, having trained kyokushin for almost 2 decades and shotokan for several years, I have to dissagree. The techniques looks very different when adapted to competition, but that is more because of the difference between WKF type point karate and knockdown karate rules (with resulting differences in distancs, tactics and so on), than because of differences in the formal techniques.
Kyokushin guys fighting in WKF type events (=no/light contact break after each hit, no lowkicks etc) does not look all that different from shotokan guys.

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