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Mark L.
Posted: 2006-02-15 15:51:31
I'm learning more and more about digestion etc...

And one of the main focuses when you start to try to find health must be to make sure you have proper digestion.

Inflamation is a big problem with many people.

Processed gains and pasturized dairy will cause inflamation in many. Not to mention all the adatives and poisons and preservatives, and colouring agents and chemicals to mask smells and add smells, fungiside/pesticide/herbiside etc resedues (get even crazier mixes when cooked), eating the wrong foods for your metabolic type, over eating, eating too fast, prescription drugs etc etc etc etc all often cause inflamation

K so when the gut is inflamed you often get leaky gut syndrome. Your food leaks out and enters the body. The bodies see it as a prob and develops antigens (or is it antibodies). This creates food allergies(or more accuratly food sensitivities). Pretty soon many other things you eat may upset your gut.

This is more so a prob if you eat the same things all the time (along with what ever is inflaming the gut to start). Lets say you can eat apples no prob but you eat them all the time. This will often lead to a sensitivity to apples. And they now add to your problem.

I don't see how one can hope to try to heal something as severe as colitis without addressing these types of issues.

(remember most drugs cause inflamation) Infact why not look at the side effects of the drugs you want to try and check it out first.

The CHEK Inst uses a food rotation diet to try to minimize some of these issues while also trying to get a variety of foods.

This may not all be exact so don't take it all word for word but its pretty close to what I'm learning AND experiancing.

If the food you eat bloats you, gives you gas, gives you a stomach ache...maybe you shouldn't eat it.

Also, some quality suppliments for digestion should help. But everyone is different. Supplimenting for your metabolic type would be the key.

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