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Mark L.
Posted: 2006-02-24 17:31:39
Its how we're programed...

I had two wisdom teeth removed Mon. Suppose to be 4 but 1 is close to a nerve (gonna leave for now) and 1 we'll do soon..

They wanted me to have an antanxiety drug. I passed. The receptionist, after checking to see if I could do that, certainly said she thought it was a good idea to take. Now many a place will put you under..

With the freezing I felt no pain in my mouth at all...

Then came the after med. Now this place is good. I chose my dentist carefully and drive 1.5hrs to go.

Anyway they didn't say IF you need some pain relief then take UPTO x amount as NEEDED no more than x times a day.

No what was said was take x amount x times period.

There is no question that med drugs etc do damage to the body. There is sometimes a time and place but the system and ourselves, are not there about health, we're there to cover up and get on with our day.

I took nothing, some may have it worse and some may have it better. If it had gotten worse I may have.

Point being we don't need to automatically down the poison. And its sad that they automatically encourage it.

My friend boke his leg and dislocated his ankle. They wanted to put something in the IV. He wanted to know what it was. They wouldn't say and kept trying to put it in. He kept refusing. Finally they got a doc and he finally said what it was. My bud said no (it was a strong drug) finally they let him be. He was fine.

In fact I'm not sure he even took any of the med drugs for the pain at all even after op and going home e.g. T-3s etc

Again. I'm not saying its for everyone. I'm showing how its pushed, forced and often unessasary.

Now these are nessasary situations..

Arthritis meds increase the rate of disease!!! They cover up the bodies sigals that something is wrong. this is just one example.

Many of these drugs lead to inflamation...which leads to anti-inflamatories..the number 1 selling med drug..hmmmm

The system, in N. America and I don't think much of Europe is fare behind. Is backed and run by buisnesses with an interest...that interest is not in your health. Its in money. Now the sicker you are and the more drugs you 'need' the more money they make...

I don't think our 'health care' system should be controled by those who profit from our sickness. Isn't that a conflict of interest?

Again i have nothing against Docs as people. The system and the training is flawed.

I look to healthy people for my health. How healthy is your doc? I haven't been impressed with most of them health wise, not at all.

They also study sickness to 'help' you.

Thats like learning from the worst fighters how to fight. I'd look to the best.

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