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Mark L.
Posted: 2006-06-22 13:38:23
Not sure if I've posted this somewhere else but I met an interesting women in California when I was down last.

She had contracted polio... You guessed it FROM THE VACCINATION.

Anyway no one could help and she got very fed up. I wish I could remember the details as it was quite the story..

One leg was all withered etc

Anyway nothing the docs did ever helped.

She ended up doing some yoga (real yoga is to do with 'chi' cultivation etc I think).. It helped

Eventually she was fine and you'd never know, besides scars, that she had polio.

She teaches it now in S. California (anyone interested in quality yoga in that area I can dig up her info).

I talked with someone awhile back that works with autistic kids... she said they all know its largely from vaccines (at least the people she worked with).

Again a wonderful thank you to Mr Pasteur amoung others..

Actually he came up with the rabies vaccine too... Well there are some interesting stories around that.

There is a large group of Vets in the US that formed a group. They say there is no such things as rabies for one...

Also there are reports that the vaccine Pasteur gave out CAUSED the problems in those that didn't even get bitten AND those that got bitten and were not vaccinated were fine!!!

Who do YOU believe? The ones who sell you the product?

If you look into the relationships and money flows (like with bird flu stuff)....big big dollars

Lindsay-its tough with the strong arming tactics and the general public brainwashed to submit to authorities...

Parents have a tough time with this. Fear is used. What if my kid gets sick and I didn't vaccinate. The schools say they threaten other kids. Public looks at you like a bad parent.

Its hard to do the right thing for your kids IF you even think thats the right thing.

As a parent I'd do some serious looking into legal stuff (assuming I'd looked into vaccines and realized the dangers), support groups. What can be done. What the actual law is...they make it seem like some things are maditory but often they are not law.

Its not easy...

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