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Posted: 2006-09-16 20:55:41
once again I guess it depends how you are quantifying it.

I lift more weight because I feel invigorated by the music I listen to and my mind is controlling my matter.

Doesnt mean because its supposed to make more weak or its supposed to be bad or its supposed to be negative that it actually is.

I mean if I am lifting a heavier weight and we are quantifying wether rock music makes you weak or not via a series of weight lifting test, while I still lifted a heavier I am stronger.....oh no that wasnt supposed to happen.....while it did

What happens if I have a negative association to the music thats suppose to be positive for me, then it still impacts on me negatively and would have a lot further implications to hearing it that are not taken into account or are measured under what ever method is being used to quantify the experiment

Another example is my girlfriend hates some of the music I listen to, she cant concentrate, it makes her feel tense, she cant stand it.....while with me depending on what mood Im in I can study really well with it or train listening to it, doesnt effect me the same way.....different strokes for different folks.

Nice Idea about the baby, not really relavent in the context of the situation though....Me I have lived for a while and my mind has been exposed to alot of different things and I have had a lot of different experiences and all of these have helped make me who I am today....I am not a baby.... so thereforre I wil act and react in different ways to different music.

I certainly do no think that there is one right music to listen to positive music for all.

Sometomes I find listz positive, some times throwdown, sometimes leonard cohen

So how has John diamond discovered what is the right beneficial or therapeutic music to listen to, and how does he gauge this...for alll

very very interested

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