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Mark L.
Posted: 2006-10-03 10:24:27
Spida-Your welcome. I simply want to challange ingrained thoughts. I also want to challange myself and show through performance that my method works (not saying only way). Ihaven't fully done this yet. Posting is partly to keep myself on it :)

Train the energy system you want to use in the fight. If you want to be working out of the aerobic energy system then run distance. If you want to be working with the short and intermediate energy systems in a fight then train those.

The thing is, as I understand it, they are on a sea saw to a degree... Sure both are good for health and performance etc but the more you get into one the more the other gets lower (not being scientific here but you get the point).

An extream ultra distance runner will have very poor anaerobic energy system. One goes uyp and the other goes down.

Both are good-yes and you can never work one without the other. When you focus (ahhhh focus on what the sport needs) you automatically work all systems. If you run for 1sec the aerobic system IS being used. We think of it kicking in later but they all start together.

The thing with going distance is you get into predominantly the aerobic system. In a 5x3 2min break you DON'T get that predominantly into it. So unless you have energy to burn and train and time out the yin yang and unless you want to limit the systems you want to use in the ring it make sense to me NOT to focus training in a system that is not dominant in the fight.

You cannot do sprints and intervals without training the aerobic system.

A question that should be asked is what systems and to what degree are they used in a fight? Then simply train those systems... makes sense to me.

(has apllications for burning muscle to keep weight down of course)

There are a few threads on running..

Paul gets results with top athletes thats for sure. The thing is one can't simply look at how top athletes train. Many top athletes are top athletes because they are very gifted.

Take someone with an amazing nervous system train him to be slow and he is likely to be faster than someone who has a sluggish nervous system training to be fast.

Many of the top athletes are very very gifted... American football players, in general, seem to have shitty training (strength/conditioning/nutrition etc etc) yet perform like Gods...

The truth in the method comes in when the sluggish guy can improve or when the gisted guy improves IMO When you can take someone and get them to step up a level then there is something in that that works, at least more than what one was doing before.

How many Thais do you think train that are slow and not skillful to the point where they are trying to compete top level?? They don't really... you find another job..

Here we do it for fun or we like it...

Many sports take the cream, the smallest percent of the population...the best.

Our sport (though it has some very gifted people) is generally made up of anyone with an interest and desire...

I tell you-I have NEVER kicked so hard or fast as that fight and like I posted there were some things I need to change and I am not yet training to level I want to be...still progressing..

The thing is what can YOU, the individual, do? Can YOU (me) do better? Be faster? Stronger? More Powerful? Better Conditioned? than before?????

I'm 31, I had health issues so that I couldn't even train... You know somehting is working when you can't even train for fun and you want to be pro...and make head way...

Of course there are always multiple paths :)

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