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keepyerguardup- "How To Eat, Move and Be Healthy" -Paul Chek Is the book welsh eagle is reffering to. It covers all aspects of health and living (well all might be a stretch).
It covers loads of areas and has tons of info but it also is set up so that you don't have to get so blown away by it all.
It uses questionnaires to help you see where you are sitting in over all health and stress levels and to help you determine what foods are best for you and in what ratios (metabolic typing).
From the questionnaires and filling out the corrisponding table you see what areas are of greatest concern.
You simply choose one and read the associated chapter and work on that till you bring your score down. Once that is down you move to the next problem area and so on.
This way one isn't trying to do a million things all at once.
Are programming (memes) makes it hard to change in some ways and changing a persons diet is not unlike asking someone to change thier spiritual beliefs. So a step at a time with food, life style choices etc etc is important so one doesn't get too frustrated and simply not do it.
He also refferred to "The Metabolic Typing Diet" -Wolcott
This book has the basic metabolic typing test in it as well and will do more to explain how metabolic typing works, its history etc etc
How To Eat, Move and Be Healthy" also has a basci MT test in it.
A more indepth one can be done on line and then working with a metabolic typing advisor one can do an even more indeoth test.
The basic should get one results and I know many people who get amazing results with this level. There are benifits of working with soeone of course as everyone is different and a part of metabolic typing is learning YOUR bodys needs.
metabolic typing
food quality
circadian rhythems
electromagnetic pollution
ANS balance
rehabbing core (after birthing too)
meditation/Qigong etc
This is basically a simplified text book for the CHEK NLC level I. Level I being mainly to teach CHEK proffessionals how to get healthy themselves.
I have been to a few lectures by Paul and been taught by him. I have also personally talked with him. He walks the talk!!! He lives whats in that book and his whoile being shows for it.
Its not an intellectual read for info. Its a clinically proven (mostly scientifically proven also) system of improving ones life and health.
Apllied knowlage is power!
Do it-don't just read it!
Thats a little abou tthe book and my understanding/interpretation or it and my experiences with it.
(don't under estimate the power of the zone exercises!!!!!!!!!!)