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welsh eagle
Posted: 2006-12-08 16:40:58
Ha, i believe him ;) - Eagles Super Tae Kwon Do - Nigel Howlett used to run these competitions at the Bunyan Centre in Bedford, all power kicking including leg kicks, no punching on mats, good start for newcomers etc a bit like an interclub realy, i won a gold medal at one back in 87 so that makes me a champion too, i can dodge bullets, catch arrows in my teeth and fend off multiple low kicking warriors with nothing but their shadows to guide me.
Anyone with Nigels gym on here ask Nige if he knew Nick and if so was he part of those days, i cant remember him and i fought on a few of themand a number of nigels promotions(also ask nige to e mail me with his contact details please).
Funnily enough i remember Nigel Howlett being awarded instructor of the year by Master Toddy and the BATMA back in the 80's and also awarded the same honour by the WKA i think when he presented trophies on the uk's 1st ever 8 man event (The Quest 1996/1997)it seems that Nick may have borrowed that honour from Nigel.
I asked Peter Stewart if he remembers him from the days with Master Toddy and then with Nigels Eagles Gym - funny enough Peter cant remember him.
Myself and Peter will be going to Vegas in new year to speak with Master Toddy in relation to Muay Thai etc we will train there and i will ask him about Nick?
Does Ronnie green remember Nick, i doubt it?
Ronnie please post if you ever trained with this great champion!
I shall ask Tony Aherne (Newport) who also trained with Master Toddy at around the same time.
The only thing that may be true is the Eagle's Super Tae Kwon Do thing, our clubs in Wales used to go to these things and they were attended by a few Bedfordshire/Herts clubs with the odd one thrown in from elsewhere, - lincoln boneys etc.
Russ Williams may remember Nick also as he was with Master Toddy at the same time?
Can anyone from the old BATMA shed any light? i doubt it
Lol, i know of a similar guy here in Wales that teahces MMA, - fought in Holland Muay Thai 68 fights etc etc :) the guy cant even throw a roundhouse however people believe it. lol
god save us from these guys, ax save us, fighters mag save us.

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