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Mark L.
Posted: 2006-12-19 12:30:54
By the way many Thais seems to be in less stress and fatigue than many farung. I watched a fight yesterday in which the Thai breathed through the nose all of the 1st and 2nd and almost all of the third. 4th started to get more mouth breathing. (a good fight the whole way too).

One of the row teams use to breath through the nose untill they needed the boost in the last few meters and they would get a boost.

I think the idea of always breathing through the mouth is that you are always in a stress response (few fighters seem to fight outside of this 'fight or flight' place as they train to be in it-Samart doesn't appear to be in much of a fight or flight state when fighting and the Thais in general seems way less in a fight or flight state).

Mouth breathing stimulates the fight or flight stimulates the sympathetic nervous system. Nose breathing stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system. There are parasympathetic nerve endings in the nose and deep in the lungs (nose breathing takes the air deeper than mouth breathing equalling greater O2 exchange etc).

The fight or flight reponse puts one in survival mode, not performance mode...

DLH-does he look like he his fighting for his life or performing??
Ali too?

The Thais in general look way more in a performance state than in a fight for your life state...

They put a heart rate moneter on a woman that was trying out this system.. within 2 steps her heart rate was up to 160+...2steps!!!!?? That means she is trained and conditioned to be working hard and tired and panting etc... but 2 steps isn't working hard (she was starting off at about a 8min per mile pace)..

2 steps!! and she was already working hard (Samart didn't look to be working hard really..)

Anyway 3 months later she came back and maintained an 8min per mile pace with a heart rate of 130ish...

I wonder about deep breathing and getting hit and running is certainly different than fighting etc...

But the info is enough for me to question this constant all out struggle we train our selves to do day in and day out.

(by the way in this method athletes say they get in the zone big time almost all the time!!!! great athletes certainly perform in the zone!)

I'm just wondering if there is a time and place to at least consider some of this..

I certainly see it with sparring too hard too fast too often that one is trained not to improve but simply worry and get in a place of fear (can cover with aggression etc) and 'fight for survival' as oppossed to performing.

Jut some thoughts..

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