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Did anyone on this forum see the UFC Rich Franklin All Access show?
I ask becuase he did this hard core wieght circuit training session and he said in the show he does it 3 times a week. it consist basically of 10 stations, 15 reps on each station and 10 times around.. it takes between 45 - 60 minutes with no rest at any point...supposedly not for the squemish...
I was impressed and designed my own , not so brutal, version...11 stations , 15-20 reps(till near or failure) and I do it 3 times with a 5 min cardio start at a med/high it should take between 15 - 18 minutes per " round" and the whole things takes 50 - 60 mins...
Here is my questions..this workout should build muscle endurance and strength and I feel that I am getting stronger... problem that I foresee is that I do it 3 times a week. Tues-Thur-Sat...does this offer enought recovery time?? I keep reading how 3 times a week wieght training does not give enough recovery and your muscles "learn" and become increasingly resisitant to gains... I go 6 weeks on and 1 week off to try to help but does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions on this....