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Mark L.
Posted: 2007-02-01 09:09:38
formual for change

When the desire for a change is greater than the resistance to change.

We are all resistant to change. Hell, asking someone not to eat cereal is like asking them to change religious beliefs. I'm not kidding either.

Resistance is strong. To change. To do something different and there for get a different result. You need to have a great desire for something different to over come the resistance.

If you write down your dreams and goals and get clear on what you truely want, then if getting healthy is aprt or supports those dreams and goals then it gets relatively easy to change (at least step by step)

Another thing that keeps us where we are is programming. Current research on brain washing and memetics suggests that about 1% of the population have access to their own minds.

IF that is even a little bit true.... holy shit

I have learned a little of prgramming and can see, sometimes, when I do things out of prgramming (everything is programming but from programming I don't want)

I am just starting a lesson and one of the biggest things in it is identifying your programming and how to change it. IOts scary and exciting cause what we believe we associate with self and challangig beliefs we feel (ego) our existance is challanged.

Thats why people can't talk about pollitics or religion without getting emotionally changed-because they are so programmed and the go holds the belief like if it is challanged it feels its life is threatened.

If one gets an emotional charge discussing any issue-guess what? a good time to maybe do some looking.

Hows that for out there? LOL

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