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Mark L.
Posted: 2007-02-10 09:36:09
Damn, just lost it... I think I hit Ctrl with something by accident and the window disapeared LOL

Water loading. I am no expert with it and my experience is minimal but I was told how to do it by someone I trust.

I only water loaded for my last fight but making weight was the easiest its ever been.

I was told to drink a little more than normal for a week before the weigh-in. Now consider I drink alot to start with.

My daily water intake, not including exercise days, is about .5oz per lbs of body weight.

Thats a great number to start from and to aim to. When you do that for awhile and start to feel what its like to be hydrated, you start to know how to ajust for how much you train etc (many people can't tell the difference between hunger and thirst (when you do notice thirst you are dehydrated for most people-I'm talking just thirst). Once you get a feel then you ajust for your self and for how much you work out or how hot a day it was....

Anyway so with that amount + working out + a little extra I drank 4liters a day for a week.

I'll add I would strongly suggest adding one to two pinches of unrefined sea salt per liter. I do this for ALL my water. Demineralized water robs minerals from your body (water in nature has minerals in it). I sure as hell wouldn't drink any tap water (I don't even like bathing in it)

So water loading is loading up on water... day of weigh-in you don't drink, or don't drinkn much and it suppose to help.

I only did it the once but worked great.

For interest sake last fight I weighed in at 147 (146 actually, I was under)

So on a no exercise, regular day, I would try to drink about 75oz of water a day (for 150lbs). Thats about 2.3 liters I think.

I was a little over that so around 2.5 liters before exercise. With exercise easily 3+. So I added less than a liter.

My experience here is small though but this way takes into consideration health as well as just dropping weight. Its not crazy amounts of water either..

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