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Mark L.
Posted: 2007-03-24 10:33:23
Thanks for that. It appears to me that the article is opinionative, which is great but it would be nice if the news was purely factual. Which it hasn't been for a very long time. Actually watch CNN and look for opinions presented as facts-its quite interesting.

"That would be a disaster"-purely opinion based on current beliefs (where did they come from) of the writer.

I totally agree that some people attack (attacks come froma place of fear and that is understandable). Attacking creates emotions and fear on both sides and the facts and the issues get lost in emotion.

The more I learn about this the more first hand accounts I get from parents who say there kids were normal before vaccination.

I have nothing against docs. Though I think the training is biased and they are largely influenced by the drug companies.

When there is big contriversy I tend to look at who is to gain by saying what.

One group says vaccines kill and not to do them with no real financial gain to that belief.

On the other side you have big big industrry and billions of dollars.

How can there be such contriversy. One side says they save lives and without we'd be dropping like flies. The other group says they are not nessasary and even kill.

Two such drastic differances suggests drastic differances in beliefs systems.

Ego feels threatened when its belief is challanged. To ego that means its existance is challanged.

On both sides, when ego gets involved, emotions arise and programmed beliefs (vaccines are good OR vaccines are bad) controle thought.

Info comes into the brain/mind/body and write away it is compared to everything you were ever taught, told, believe etc etc. Many of the beliefs were put there by others. Very few people have spent time disecting their beliefs to see if they are really true for them.

It is almost impossible to look at anything without bias and the only way to get closer (never really get there untill you can see both sides) is to start looking at your beliefs and programming.

Almost no one looks at any of the evidence at face value. Every bit ios compared to the data base in the mind of what we have been told and taught.

Current research on memetics and brain washing shows that about 2% of the world has access to their own mind

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