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Mark L.
Posted: 2007-03-27 11:02:13
Measure and see how safe it is. If safe for ten and harmful for 10 and deadly for 3... well just not that safe. At minimum be clear on the true stats. The reality ios the drug companies rush out a product for a profit. They have to recall cause its harmful... they still made a buck. They don't care.

I worked breifly with a woman last week who had nerve damage. Her hands were swollen and burning. On a scale of 0-10 she gave them a 7 or 8 I think. In a few minuits we got it down to about a 1... It wasn't a session and we only spent a few min.. The point though is that she was very angrt that she WAS NOT told the possible side effects from the cancer treatment.

Drugs not approved for commercial reasons-??? Maybe a a small company or a product that works but doesn't make them money... yes I have heard of lots of those types of stories.

Its law in the US for docs to only be allowed to use certain methods. It is law...

Though I don't think this is a be all and end all here is a product, system, that proved some results
short video

Actually I just watched a dvd with a guy who went in remmission from cancer(different approach than above). I watched some of the work and the treatment and in it a letter was read that from a couple years later with what else he did, how much of what he did and what he thinks were the biggest factors.

There are ways besides burning and poisoning or the knife the body. Other ways than attacking and killing.

The point is it is the indiviuals choice!!!

One of the teachers at the CHEK Inst was a client with cancer. No longer has and kept studying and became a teacher.
this is a personal account of a man that was diagnosed with terminal cancer in 1975 and told he had two months to live..

His approach is very different to herbs or drugs. He went into himself.

The cases are not that rare actually.

I choose to see possibilities. I choose to believe in health.

Everyone has a choice. If that be docs are the only way to go all the time. Then that is right for them.

Just don't limit other peoples choices. Don't limit the info. Don't listen to your doc like he is God without maybe thinking for yourself a little-at least that is my belief system.

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