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Mark L.
Posted: 2007-04-06 12:16:46
Gary Craig discibes it like this.

We live in a room. On the walls of the room there is writing. It is put there by our parents, our teachers, friends, experiences etc etc etc

Maybe we act out on anger and we get in trouble. The writing might say "Anger is bad" So instead of exploring the anger and the true cause (fear) we surpress it and hold it in, or maybe we act out on it and then feel guilt and shame.

Some writing might say that "you hug someone you love"

Some might be "Love always has pain" -say you fall in love and then get heart broken.

"America is best"
"England is best"
"My beliefs are right and yours are wrong"
"Woemn should take care of a man"
"The Thais are better at clinching"
"When you get sick you should go to a doc"
"You should brush your teeth"

They are not right or wrong but they are all there.

When we have an experience and we take in something through the senses, gary suggests that it goes in an imediately compares and consults all the writing on our walls and almost instantly it comes back with a thought or action etc

The point being we did not put all the writing there. The point being that we dopn't generally look back at the writing and ask "Does this serve me?" "Does this help me move forward?" "Does this bring me closer to my goals" "Does this make me happy or sad?" etc etc

The ego protects the writing as its self and own well being.

There is no conscious thought nessasary from interpretation of any experience-it automatically compares with all the writing.

The question is-does the writing really serve us? Does it bring us peace or pain? Does it move us towards what we concsiously have created as values?

IMO&E if we we do not look for and consider what writing is there then we are not thinking consciously about our beliefs. We have not chosen for ourselves what beliefs we choose to follow. They are someone elses beliefs for the most part that ego holds onto like its life depends on it.

Its not write or wrong but this explination from Gary (my interpretation of it) makes sense to me.

I often act or say something without really thinking. Sometimes when I catch m,yself i realise that I have no idea if what i am saying is true for me, it is a conditioned response. it is a response that has come from my writing on my walls and often that writing I have never questioned or looked at as much of it was put there when I was a child or slipped in without conscious awareness.

Here is a song I sung as a child "Onward Christian soldiers, march as to war. With the cross off Jesus, going on before." I believe thaty sinks into the subconscious and supports fighting and killing and suggests its in the name of good even though the same place I go tthat I also got "thou shalt not kill"

Which do I believe? Do i believe either? Do I just think and act on one or both or have I considered and contemplated what I feel is really true and right for me.

That song writes on my walls. Do I want the writing there or not? Without looking my beliefs on war and fighting and killing for God maybe I would choose to kill and war against human kind. This may cause stress and conflict in my being if I also have writing that I shouldn't kill. I personally believe we cause conflict on a deeper level when killing because a deeper level (in my belief) knows we are all part of one human race.

All I am saying is that without investigation we are acting and linving without thought from writing that if we considered it might or might not be what we truely want or believe.

Frankly I am selfish-I want to live happy and in peace. I want to enjoy my life and in my experience as I start to look at the writing on my walls and start to choose whats there i find more happiness and peace. Its not what is right and wrong (which is all writing) it about me being happy.

"The human mind can not act out anything that isn't self gratifying" (pain can be self gratifying as can be shame etc)

I find choosing my beliefs and acting in accordance with my chosen beliefs and what I believe is connecting with deeper part of self is more joyfulk and peaceful. When I don't I feel more pain. I simply choose to work towards peace and freedom. Purely selfish-my writing use to say that was bad.. all I know is that it brings peace to my heart. Peace in my belief and experience, comes from love, not from fear.

Belief that a relationship should last forever is writing on the wall and often supported by fear. Holding on to that thought and belief creates deepr and longer lasting pain than the break up. Is it right or wrong-well for me peace and truth and love is right for me...

Letting go of that writing on my wall lets me move on and helps me to learn and grow from the relationship and better prepares me for the next. If I choose to learn from it it makes the next rraltionshp better.

Like loosing a fight. If you learn from it is it really loosing?? Not in my experience.

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