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Mark L.
Posted: 2007-04-06 13:16:36
some people the response is huge-it will blow you away. Some people its hard to tell. I only go with it if it is clear and no question (even then it is only info-don't judge it, don't second guess) When I go with it I get good results..

Example, working with a fighter. Muscle testing told me there were dad issues to work on and to go there. He didn't think that was as important as issues with his brother, so of course I listen to him. However, it turns out his brother became with father figure after his dad left when he was very young. Turns out, in my interpretation, that mucle testing was bang on even though it seemed off. This has happened a few times and also taught me that one needs to be very clear and specific with the questions and intention on the muscle test.

Sometimes people will test weak on 'love'. I suspect that they have painful associations in their experiences with love. Point is it doesn't nessasrily mean the testing isn't accurate and again they can be 'switched'. Igf theyget weak on love and strong on hate its very liekly that there is something going on. If you can't tell the difference then you can assume the testing isn't working.

blah blah I better get packing lol

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