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Mark L.
Posted: 2007-07-20 13:56:49
The whole body is connected.

In a heart attack the feeling is in the shoulder/arm etc This is because the heart is connected at the same spinal segment as the shoulder/arm (left isn't it?)

Gas is a signal that can mean what you are eating isn't digesting and it is effecting the gut. That alone will effect any nutrients, building blocks, and energy you could potentially get from the food you eat. Your digestive health is very related to strength in many ways. One big one is when the digestive system is stressed the related muscles through the spinal segments are also stressed. This is a lot of core stuff and ALL strength is effected greatly by your core. Digestive issues will effect core strength.

Basically stomach (for example) has an issue - sends a message to the spinal segment saying "I have an issue" that spinal segment(s) sends a msg to the brain saying "we have a problem down here". Brain gets the msg and sends back the signal to act like there is a problem. The trouble is when the brains msg gets to the spinal segment that segment sends on the msg too everything connected, muscle, organs etc etc

Getting gas from a food is saying you are not digesting it anyway. Why eat it if it is not digesting? What are you getting from it if it is not digesting. As you ruin your digestive system it effects more and more of ALL you eat.

Most milk is crap - most milk to make whey protein being crap makes the whey protein crap.

When I first went to my strength coach he said to stop all suppliments (except gave me some recommendations like omega 3's, coconut oil and high quality pro biotics) and get off the protein powder. On top of course was a nutrition plan.
My life changed!

Read the milk thread and remember that whey protein is made from milk.

Number 1-listen to your body, not what anyone says. Gas is not saying this is good for me.

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